Richard Cohen on the The Daily Show

It’s like deju vu all over again. Wanna be a CSRC? I kept wondering when Donnie Davies was going to appear.

UPDATE: 3/22/07 Randy Thomas of Exodus weighs in on the Daily Show appearance. The comments on his posts are interesting as well.

Also, You Tube has taken the video down as a result of their dispute with Viacom over copyrighted content.

Donnie Davies gets a gig

Like a bad penny, Donnie Davies turns up again. He and Evening Service are playing a gig at SXSW (South By Southwest Festivals) in Austin, TX on March 17. I have had some interesting conversations via email with Davies part-time employee and possible identical twin, Joey Oglesby. I hope to report on an interview with the elusive Mr. Oglesby in the near future.

Donnie Davies & Joey Oglesby: Together at last

They meet!. I believe that my original theory should be revisited. If you are still interested in this bizarre story, you should go check out the link quickly because it was on YouTube once for a few hours and then pulled. If you aren’t that interested, then you might be annoyed, disappointed, upset or worse. Donnie Davies’ C.H.O.P.S. program is starting to take shape though.

UPDATE: 2/14/07 – We interrupt your V-Day celebrations to bring you news that Donnie Davies has now posted the footage MTV did not want you to see on his website. He has actually hired Joey Oglesby part-time. What a guy!

Here I am

I am grateful for the opportunity to help out Warren this month on this cutting edge site. My prayer is that I will faithfully walk the edge between faith, science and public policy (how does one walk on an edge with three sides? That task itself may explain some of the frustration, passion and confusion that plagues this public discourse).

I feel a bit intimidated by this responsibility so, to bolster my confidence, I have opted to increase use of a government approved substance available at multiple locations in every city.

Please see below and substitute “Dave…Dave, Dave, Dave” for “Glen”


David Blakeslee

Post Christmas Stress Disorder (PCSD)

As a public service, I want to spread the word about Post Christmas Stress Disorder (PCSD) and remind folks that help is available. Just go easy on the soy nog…

Diagnostic Criteria for 311.5x Post-Christmas Stress Disorder

A. Four (or more) of the following symptoms have been present during the same two-week period and represent a change from previous functioning.

(1) refuses to take down Christmas decorations within one week after Christmas. (In chronic cases, leaves decorations up year round.) Note: In children, makes Christmas related requests year round;

(2) seeks out shopping opportunities on the day immediately following Christmas;

(3) depressed mood, more days than not (e.g., sings “Blue Christmas” repeatedly);

(4) vocal tics (e.g., “Ho, ho, ho”);

(5) compulsive Christmas related behavior (e.g., Wraps and unwraps presents even though no gift is inside);

(6) catatonic, expectant behavior (e.g., Stands for long periods of time, immobile, under mistletoe)…

To read the rest, go here