Delaware school requires “treatment” for bad thinking

I have been following the development of a story out of Delaware regarding the University of Delaware and residence life trainings to address student worldview. The link is to the website of the Foundation for Individual Rights in Eduation (FIRE). According to the website and documents I have seen, the university keeps a portfolio on students to ascertain progress toward institutional goals. The goals include forced views of white privilege and “heterosexism.” There are links on this site to the university’s ideological program.

It occurred to me that even my sectarian college does not micromanage the views of our students. I do not know how this will all shake out but I am following it. While I am sure there are some reasonable behaviors that the school would like to encourage, taking a “re-education” methodology (if this is implemented as described) seems counterproductive.

UPDATE: University of Delaware has stopped the program – see here.

Post-mortem on the Obama-McClurkin dust up

The conservative Weekly Standard provides some dandy analysis of the Obama-McClurkin episode. Surprising to me is the writer Dean Barnett’s reference to McClurkin as “semi-gay.” Now we have yet another term to add to the collection, albeit not one that is likely catch on. Guess you can color him skeptical.


From meddling to preaching; two important articles on shifts in Evangelicalism

David Kirkpatrick has a lengthy analysis of shifts in evangelicalism in yesterday’s New York Times. Called “The Evangelical Crackup,” the article describes what appears to be a shift in evangelicalism away from political activism.

And then the Rocky Mountain News describes a similar shift underway at Focus on the Family with the advent of Jim Daly as head of the organization.

Obama a no-show; McClurkin cheered

This AP article gives a report from the Embrace the Change concert in South Carolina.

According those on the scene, McClurkin was featured and presented his beliefs near the end of the concert.

My guess is he will get points from African-Americans in South Carolina but he will lose the state.

Obama says his staff did not check out McClurkin’s views well enough (read: we didn’t think anyone would mind that much).

NARTH convenes in Dallas

This morning, the Dallas Morning News has an article covering the National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality (NARTH). According to the article, the membership has decreased (now 800, from 1000) with a fairly small turnout for the conference (around 50). You can see the conference schedule here.

And here is another view of the conference and the protest by area gay groups.