Grove City Critical Race Theory Conference is Homeless

In late July, I wrote here about an anti-critical race theory conference slated for September 24 in my hometown of Grove City, PA.  After the CRT controversy at my college (Grove City College), this announcement wasn’t good news. What made it worse was the scheduled participation of Lost Cause advocate Jon Harris. As it turns out, Harris will not be able to speak at the conference due to a memorial service for a family member scheduled on the same weekend.

Another change in the good news category is that the conference is now homeless. Last Friday, I was informed by Andy Frey, pastor of First Baptist Church, Grove City, that their church will not host the conference. Early last week, I reached out to Pastor Frey and informed him of the issues raised in the July post as well as some new ones which have come up. He was unaware of that information and took the matter to his deacons. At their regular deacons meeting last Thursday evening, they voted unanimously to pull out of participation.

As of today, the conference organizers have not removed First Baptist from the conference website. Also, oddly, the organizers added Jon Harris’ pic back to the website with a caption explaining why he is not presenting.

Above, I mentioned new issues relating to Harris. Not only does Harris think highly of the Confederate South, he also has high regard for another white supremacist regime — Ian Smith’s white rule in Rhodesia. In a Gab posting, Harris waxed nostalgic about whites sticking up for their past against “the barbarian hordes.”In any case, the CRT conference is homeless for now. Lord willing, it will stay that way.

6 thoughts on “Grove City Critical Race Theory Conference is Homeless”

  1. “Critical Race Theory – Critical or Corrupting?” sounds way too much like “Furry Fandom – Threat or Menace?”

  2. Good news that Pastor Frey and his deacons decided against hosting a White Supremacist who knows nothing about CRT. Is Harris also sought after to lecture scientists on astrophysics, yet another field Harris has no training in?

  3. It is so disheartening that such hatred and fear of the “the barbarian hordes” have invaded the Christian belief system. Our true national heritage will never be reality until a truthful and critical discussion of all of our history including white, black, indigenious, asian, middle eastern, etc. etc. be discussed not only in the general population but especially in our school system.

    Warren, thank you so much for your efforts in upholding true Christianity.

    1. It is so disheartening that such hatred and fear of the “the barbarian hordes” have invaded the Christian belief system

      Look up the term “Elite Panic” sometime.

  4. The barbarian hordes and their disregard for decency, the formation of a new dishonorable hierarchy, the erasure and misunderstanding of things that came before, …

    Are you sure Harris isn’t referring to the republican party here, Warren?

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