Nuttiest Twitter Thread of 2022

Sometimes a Twitter thread comes along that possesses a level of nuttiness that requires it be preserved. In addition, these threads capture the spirit of the times in such a way that few other expressions do. Here is such a thread.

The author is Josh Daws, host of the Great Awokening Podcast.

The entire thread can be read below by clicking the tweet. I will pull out a few of the 23 tweets for illustration. In short, Daws says teachers are using Critical Race Theory to make white kids feel guilty, then using Queer Theory to make them want to identify as gay or trans. Thus, teachers are really out to create revolutionaries and take kids away from parents; not to abuse them, but to make them into liberals, or something.

Step one:

And it goes on from there. Read the rest if you want to know what the Frightened Right is sharing with each other these days. It really is sad. I can’t imagine being that distrustful and scared of my fellow citizens who are trying to follow their calling as teachers.

Well, actually, I can imagine it. I never had the vivid imagination of Mr. Daws, but once upon a time in my 20s and 30s, I believed the public school was a temple to secular humanism. However, through a variety of circumstances, I faced facts. In our case, anyway, the public school was the moral and quality alternative to the local Christian school. I found teachers who were incredibly dedicated to helping my children achieve their potential.

Of course, there are a few bad actors. However, the current reformers who are scaring Christians into a frenzy want us to believe there is a conspiracy among public educators to steal our children and grandchildren. This is insanity.

For the most part, teachers are our family, neighbors and friends. They need the support of citizens in a good faith partnership for the good of children.

37 thoughts on “Nuttiest Twitter Thread of 2022”

    1. Thanks for posting the link. I hope Dr. Throckmorton posts a followup commentary. This ordeal must be a great disappointment to Grove City College faculty, students, and alumni.

      1. I have been reluctant to comment about it since I try to keep my college out of this. But I intend to say something here because the issues are so important. Thanks Mr. J for raising it.

  1. Instead of calling this the “nuttiest twitter” thread perhaps ask — I’m not seeing this? — are other seeing this type of activity?

    The answer is yes. Out of 72 girls, in my kids 8th grade class, 7 identify as transgender. Others identify as pansexual or bi-sexual. Why are kids even “identifying” in 8th grade? This is mostly afflicting girls who have the additional challenges of social media images.

    Before you dismiss, just ask.

    This teaching isn’t about acceptance. It’s about undermining any thought that you are created in the image of God and valued. So you need to look for value and acceptance from external sources.

    Some links —- the gender unicorn and genderbread man –

    and they love,love,love the white privilege Peggy McIntosh which they turn into cis-privilege, male-privilege, Christian privilege —

    1. “Why are kids even “identifying” in 8th grade?”

      Because many (but not all) kids have already realized what their orientation is by 8th grade.

      “This teaching isn’t about acceptance.”

      Not just about acceptance, also about understanding. Understanding what it means to be gay,bi,pan,trans etc. Although, it seems it is the parents who need that information more than the kids do.

      “It’s about undermining any thought that you are created in the image of God and valued.”

      Are you suggesting that only straight, cis-gendered people are “in the image of god” (and valued)?

      1. “Are you suggesting that only straight, cis-gendered people are “in the image of god” (and valued)?”

        Yes— exactly.

        So in Psalm 139 what is really meant is that God made you but then looks at your life and has a checklist and if you don’t check off certain boxes then God disowns you and says you are NOT made in his image and have no value as a child of God. Yup, you totally nailed it. Way to take in the totality of the argument about teens getting self esteem from others in an age of social media and then come to that conclusion.

        “For You formed my inmost being;

        You knit me together in my mother’s womb.

        14I praise You,

        for I am fearfully and wonderfully made.

        Marvelous are Your works,

        and I know this very well.

        15My frame was not hidden from You

        when I was made in secret,

        when I was woven together

        in the depths of the earth.

        16Your eyes saw my unformed body;

        all my days were written in Your book

        and ordained for me

        before one of them came to be.

        1. Didn’t need the bible verses. Your “yes” to only straight, cis-gendered people are valued was all I needed to know.

  2. Warren,
    You are misrepresenting Daws. He isn’t saying “Teachers” are out to create revolutionaries but the “left” is, using teachers, to breakdown the nuclear family.
    I think it’s not only the left but the Bush type right wingers also.

  3. Q: What is a sure sign that a would-be pundit is not worth listening to?
    A: They make extensive use of the term “woke”.

  4. “Properly known as Queer Theory “. Lol. I’d say his “theories are more than queer. Is his dictionary from another planet?

  5. Your white guilt is showing…You can believe what ever you want about race, but keep it out of publicly funded schools..

    1. What does that mean? What is it that should be kept out of schools?

  6. Judging by the number of public school teachers, principals, guidance counselors and administrators in my church – many are also our fellow church members and siblings in Christ!

  7. pretty ridiculous thread from the far right. almost as bad as those on the left that stated the Jan 6 DC riot was as bad as 9/11.

    1. Seems like one much more often hears something like “most traumatic US event SINCE 9/11”, which I’d tend to agree with.
      Making Jan. 6 “as bad” as 9/11 would indeed be a stretch, but not as ridiculous as those who say that looting in Portland and Minneapolis was a worse thing than what the Jan. 6 mob did.

      But perhaps we should stick to the post’s topic of how a certain political element, with the help of Christians like Daws, is trying to demonize dedicated educators and uphold white supremacy by suppressing the truth about how racism has infected American society for centuries.

    2. Seems like one much more often hears something like “most traumatic US event SINCE 9/11”, which I’d tend to agree with.
      Making Jan. 6 “as bad” as 9/11 would indeed be a stretch, but not as ridiculous as those who say that looting in Portland and Minneapolis was a worse thing than what the Jan. 6 mob did.

      But perhaps we should stick to the post’s topic of how a certain political element, with the help of Christians like Daws, is trying to demonize dedicated educators and uphold white supremacy by suppressing the truth about how racism has infected American society for centuries.

  8. Judging by the number of public school teachers, principals, guidance counselors and administrators in my church – many are also our fellow church members and siblings in Christ!

  9. The extreme Right has descended into vivid imaginings of a world that doesn’t exist. It’s similar to the bizarre fantasies they have regarding voter fraud. They picture a world of dark and hidden conspiracies that, with just a little thought, can be exposed as impossible.

    Do they have children telling them any of this? Of course they don’t. Have any of them worked a polling place on Election Day? Of course not. Do they seek the truth? Of course they don’t.

    I have never met a Qanon addict who was deterred by the fact that, literally, nothing “Q” has predicted has ever come true. Nothing. But they believe the absence of any evidence only demonstrates just how evil and all-powerful their “enemies” are.

    Do their children come home telling them their teachers are teaching them to be gay? No. Of course they don’t because it doesn’t happen. But that’s just because the teachers are so powerful and evil that they’ve brainwashed the kids!

    Living outside of reality, denying simple common sense, they are lost. And dangerous.

    1. “The extreme Right has descended into vivid imaginings of a world that doesn’t exist. It’s similar to the bizarre fantasies they have regarding voter fraud. They picture a world of dark and hidden conspiracies … ”

      well – it’s actually not so hard to imagine. They see themselves in their enemies, since they themselves conduct voter fraud(1), seek to overthrow the government (2) , and have a world of dark secrets(3) …they naturally think that everyone else is doing the same thing.

      1) |

      2) Jan 6

      3) Jan 6, Gaetz, Cawthorn, Trump, etc, etc, etc.

      1. Some say “every accusation is a confession”. I think that’s a little facile.

        But it’s usually right.

    2. “The extreme Right has descended into vivid imaginings of a world that doesn’t exist. It’s similar to the bizarre fantasies they have regarding voter fraud. They picture a world of dark and hidden conspiracies … ”

      well – it’s actually not so hard to imagine. They see themselves in their enemies, since they themselves conduct voter fraud(1), seek to overthrow the government (2) , and have a world of dark secrets(3) …they naturally think that everyone else is doing the same thing.

      1) |

      2) Jan 6

      3) Jan 6, Gaetz, Cawthorn, Trump, etc, etc, etc.

    3. “The extreme Right has descended into vivid imaginings of a world that doesn’t exist. It’s similar to the bizarre fantasies they have regarding voter fraud. They picture a world of dark and hidden conspiracies … ”

      well – it’s actually not so hard to imagine. They see themselves in their enemies, since they themselves conduct voter fraud(1), seek to overthrow the government (2) , and have a world of dark secrets(3) …they naturally think that everyone else is doing the same thing.

      1) |

      2) Jan 6

      3) Jan 6, Gaetz, Cawthorn, Trump, etc, etc, etc.

      1. There is a whole lot of anger there.

        The fundamental mistake of conservatism is the desire to either return to a past time or, as William F. Buckley, Jr., called for, to “stand[] athwart history” and yell “Stop!” But time doesn’t stand still, and it certainly doesn’t work in reverse. Life moves ever onward whether one likes it or not. Life doesn’t care that you want things to slow down or pause for a while. There is only one gear, and it’s “Forward”.

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