With three lab confirmed cases and one probable case of COVID-19, Focus on the Family headquarters in Colorado Springs, CO has been declared a COVID-19 Outbreak site.
The CO Dept of Public Health defines an outbreak as two or more cases confirmed by a lab test found in a location . Focus on the Family has declared itself to be a church so it will make my list of church outbreaks. The El Paso County site indicates the outbreak is in the bookstore.
CO is one of the states which tracks outbreaks by location and does a great job of making data available to the public on a weekly basis.
John MacArthur’s Grace Community Church has placed focus on church and COVID-19 by refusing to comply with Los Angles County’s Health Order banning indoor church services. The County and church head to court on September 4 in another round to argue the case.
“Two or more cases in a location” is a pretty weak definition of an outbreak. I wonder why.
The next outbreak will be from the many gatherings in the RNC.
And that can count in Warren’s list of church outbreaks: the Cult of Trump.
FOTF is a church? Do they hold regular religious services?
I hadn’t been paying to much attention to Fotf these last few years, which is why I missed this.
FOTF is a multi-million dollar parachurch media empire devoted to the false gospel of White Nationalist Evangelicalism.
That FOTF is now a Covid-19 Outbreak Site in 2020 is all the more interesting when read through the perspective of FOTF’s infamous “Letter from 2012” false prophecy published back in 2008.
How is Focus on the Family white nationalist when their Glenn Stanton was arguing that interracial marriages were good while homosexual marriages were bad, that the former was affirming God’s plan for humanity while the latter were not marriages at all?
Since under Obama administration, DADT was lifted , same-sex marriage became legal, and more violence intensified in the Middle East, like ISIS, we can say that Letter from 2012 was not entirely a false prophecy.
How is Focus on the Family white nationalist when their Glenn Stanton was arguing that interracial marriages were good while homosexual marriages were bad, that the former was affirming God’s plan for humanity while the latter were not marriages at all?
Since under Obama administration, DADT was lifted , same-sex marriage became legal, and more violence intensified in the Middle East, like ISIS, we can say that Letter from 2012 was not entirely a false prophecy.
“we can say that Letter from 2012 was not entirely a false prophecy?”
You’ve heard the saying “even a stopped clock is right twice a day”? Pretty much sums up that letter. It was just a bunch of fear mongering nonsense (just like what Trump does), designed to try to sway the election.
The “Letter from 2012” was Sent Back In Time to 2008 as a Warning from a Near-Future Persecution Dystopia where Obama got elected and immediately unleashed a wave of Nero-level HOMOSEXUAL Persecution against Real True Christians. (i.e. Those Just Like You, Dear Reader.)
It reads like Bad Fanfic, hitting ALL the FOTF/Christianese Culture War talking points like an End Times checklist. With the aroma of a really odious form of fanservice called “Masturbating your Target Audience”, i.e. reinforcing and flattering Those Just Like You, Dear Reader.
By Near-Future SF dystopia standards (and I speak from 45 years in SF litfandom and 10 as an aficionado of fanfic) it is incredibly LAME. Even by the standards of the didactic “But I Send This Back In Time to You as a Warning” sub-genre. But I long ago stopped expecting quality or creativity from inside the Christianese Bubble echo chamber.
This TV guy was defending Trump & Metaxas in the next day’s post.
Drive-by Culture War Troll?
I find it very interesting when liberals make baseless accusations that they cannot defend due to facts, they tend to resort to various name-calling, and “troll” is the most common one.
And I already clarified that issue over there in regards to where I stand on Metaxas’s recent action.