Yesterday, I posted the following image from Bridge of Hope’s Indian website (Bridge of Hope is Gospel for Asia’s child sponsorship program):
This was what was on the website as of late afternoon yesterday (see today’s Google cache for the page as it appeared on August 8).
Today, it looks like this:
Shades of Mars Hill Church and Mars Hill Global! GFA won’t respond to questions from me but they will alter a website in an apparent response to my post. Mars Hill Church did the same thing when I pointed out issues related to solicitations for missions.
While the children one may sponsor do not appear to be the same on these pages, the program is the same. This new wording could still lead a reader to think only Indians are funding Indian children. According to figures I have seen, Americans donated about $14 million in 2012 toward BoH related work (the latest year I have available). Clearly, donations from sponsors outside of India are accepted for the BoH program. However, if one wants to sponsor a child and doesn’t live in India, one must go to the GFA BoH page to do so.
Given that American donors are putting so much money into this program, it seems pointless to try to obscure it — if indeed that is what GFA intends by the answer to this frequently asked question.
Month: August 2015
According to Gospel for Asia's Indian Website the Bridge of Hope Program Doesn't Accept Foreign Sponsorships
In May of this year, I pointed out that Gospel for Asia requests $35/month to sponsor a child in Asia through the Bridge of Hope program but much less per month in India. Thanks to an alert reader, I was made aware that the Indian website for the Bridge of Hope program tells potential Indian donors that Bridge of Hope doesn’t accept foreign sponsors.
According to the Indian website, Bridge of Hope is a program of Believers’ Church. The American website doesn’t mention Believers’ Church and advertises the program as Gospel for Asia’s Bridge of Hope. Gospel for Asia’s Indian website hardly mentions Bridge of Hope. GFA-US sent around $30 million to Believers’ Church and two other K.P. Yohannan controlled NGOs in 2013. Ultimately, some of those funds support the Bridge of Hope program in India. At least that is what GFA tells donors in the U.S.
GFA-U.S. says donors are sponsoring children through Bridge of Hope. Bridge of Hope in India is managed by Believers’ Church which tells donors in India that sponsorship is not accepted from outside of India. Which message is correct?
Add this question to the growing list that GFA isn’t answering.
David Barton Says Founders Took Bill of Rights from Genesis. What If They Did?
David Barton has lately started sounding like the Institute on the Constitution. Michael Peroutka tells people that the American view is based on the Declaration of Independence and proves that
“The American View” of government is that there is a God, the God of the Bible, our rights come from Him, and the purpose of civil government is to secure our rights.
Barton promoted those points on Glenn Beck’s show recently and added that the Bill of Rights came from Genesis 1-8. Watch (from Right Wing Watch):
At 1:42 into the clip above, Barton said:
And they held that all those came out of Genesis one through eight and that’s what they looked to, Genesis one through eight. They went through and said here’s the rights we see and that’s why governments exist.
I can’t remember ever hearing Barton cite the part of the Declaration in bold letters below:
That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,
Where do the powers come from? The consent of the governed. If the governed want something other than what Barton thinks the Bible teaches, then would Barton say the Declaration is wrong?
As usual Barton isn’t specific about which founders said what. I have pointed out several times on this blog that Thomas Jefferson, the author of the Declaration, did not point to the Bible as a source for the document. Below is a segment from a previous post which cites Jefferson’s description of the influences on him as he wrote the Declaration:
When Jefferson wrote about the Declaration, he did not credit the Bible or Christianity.
First, to Henry Lee on May 8, 1825, Jefferson wrote:
But with respect to our rights, and the acts of the British government contravening those rights, there was but one opinion on this side of the water. All American whigs thought alike on these subjects. When forced, therefore, to resort to arms for redress an appeal to the tribunal of the world was deemed proper for our justification. This was the object of the Declaration of Independence. Not to find out new principles or new arguments never before thought of, not merely to say things which had never been said before: but to place before mankind the common sense of the subject, in terms so plain and firm as to command their assent, and to justify ourselves in the independent stand we are compelled to take. Neither aiming at originality of principle or sentiment, nor yet copied from any particular and previous writing, it was intended to be an expression of the American mind, and to give to that expression the proper tone and spirit called for by the occasion. All its authority rests then on the harmonizing sentiments of the day, whether expressed in conversation, in letters, printed essays, or in the elementary books of public right as Aristotle, Cicero, Locke, Sidney, &c. The historical documents which you mention as in your possession ought all to be found, and I am persuaded you will find to be corroborative of the facts and principles advanced in that Declaration.
Who wrote the “elementary books of public right?” Moses? The Apostle Paul? No, Aristotle, Cicero, Locke, Sidney contributed to the “harmonizing sentiments of the day.” A case could be made that some of that harmonizing sentiment derived from religious sources with religious references, but Jefferson did not mention them or appeal to them as primary influences.
In 1823, Jefferson told James Madison (referring to Lee’s theories about the source of the Declaration):
Richard Henry Lee charged it as copied from Locke’s treatise on government. Otis’s pamphlet I never saw, and whether I had gathered my ideas from reading or reflection, I do not know. I know only that I turned to neither book nor pamphlet while writing it. I did not consider it as any part of my charge to invent new ideas altogether, and to offer no sentiment which had ever been expressed before.
According to Jefferson (and in contrast to what the authors of the Founders’ Bible want you to believe), he did not turn to the Bible when writing the Declaration of Independence. Christian historians Mark Noll, Nathan Hatch, and George Marsden got it right when they wrote in 1989:
Here then is the “historical error”: It is historically inaccurate and anachronistic to confuse, and virtually to equate, the thinking of the Declaration of Independence with a biblical world view, or with Reformation thinking, or with the idea of a Christian nation. (p. 130).
I will add that I can’t see how the Bill of Rights can be found in Genesis 1-8.
What If Genesis 1-8 Was the Source of Our Rights?
It did get me wondering what the Bill of Rights would look like if the founders had used Genesis 1-8.
The first amendment probably would not be the same since everybody would have to observe the Sabbath on the same day. Women would be ruled by men (well, that isn’t so far off from the founding era). Burnt offerings would be a right. Murder would not be a capital offense. As with Cain, a murderer would have the right to be banished with protection from retaliation and the ability to marry. Polygamy would be a right. Nephilim-human marriages would be protected.
I just don’t see anything about quartering soldiers, search and seizures, juries, or trials, etc.
During this clip, Beck asked Barton to bring in the Bible and point out where these things are found. I think that is a super idea that will probably never happen.
Franklin Graham's Salary is Again in Media Spotlight
The Charlotte Observer on Saturday posted an article about Franklin Graham’s salary from his two organizations the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association and Samaritan’s Purse. The bottom line is that Graham makes a lot more than executives who run much larger organizations.
In 2010, Graham took no salary from BGEA but began receiving salary from BGEA again in 2011. Now, he is at almost $900k from both non-profits.
In 2009, Graham said his compensation “looks terrible” because it was so high. After getting kudos for taking a self-imposed reduction, he now is closing in on that terrible zone again.
Robert Morris Announces Solemn Assembly of 75,000 Pastors at Cowboy Stadium in July 2016
Just in time for the GOP and Dem National Conventions, Robert Morris and friends want to get 75,000 pastors in Dallas’ Cowboy Stadium to pray for the nation. Morris announced the big solemn assembly in his Saturday (8/8/15) sermon at the Southlake campus of Gateway Church. Big names involved include Tony Evans, Sam Rodriguez, and Southern Baptist president Ronnie Floyd. Watch:
You know, I was just standing here thinking, I am really, really glad, to be in church. I’m just, I just, really enjoyed worship. And I hope you feel the same way. Um, I will, just to let all of you know, so you can be in prayer and also so I like for you to know things like this because it’s, we feel like at Gateway Church, obviously we’re part of the body of Christ and um God has given me a role, in the body of Christ as well. So I’m speaking at the Southlake campus on Saturday, uh but on Sunday morning I will be at Oakcliff Bible Fellowship with Dr Tony Evans tomorrow morning or this morning if you’re watching this Sunday morning, I hope you got all that figured out. Um, and Dr Evans and I have been talking about for a while along with some other pastors that we feel have given us leadership in the body of Christ to help. Uh Dr Ronnie Floyd, is one of these on the Executive Committee with us who’s President of the Southern Baptist Convention. Um, Sammy Rodriguez uh who’s the head of uh Hispanic congregations all over the world, over 400, 000 churches.
Uh, we are planning, just so you know, we’ve already got, put the reservations and all. Next July uh we are calling a solemn assembly and asking 75,000 pastors to join us in Cowboy’s Stadium for a day of prayer for our nation, isn’t that good? (applause)
The national conventions for both parties are also in July. This looks like a perfect occasion to organize for the GOP nominee. The timing makes it seem more like a political event than a prayer meeting. When they are announced, the invited speakers/prayers will make the intentions more clear.