In the wake of Alex Malarkey’s retraction and The Boy Who Came Back from Heaven fiasco, it seems natural to wonder about the other “heavenly tourism” books (e.g., Heaven is for Real, 90 Minutes in Heaven). According to the tweet embedded below from Janet Mefferd, it appears that Lifeway Christian Stores might move toward an examination of such titles in the future.
LifeWay has just provided me with this statement re: Alex Malarkey book & has given me permission to share it here:
— Janet Mefferd (@JanetMefferd) January 16, 2015
Note the last sentence about being proactive in the next few months. That sentence was added to the original statement I was given by Lifeway when they pulled the few copies they had. The statement to Mefferd addresses the need to review other books in the days to come.
I asked Martin King, Director of Communications whether or not the heavenly tourism titles might also be reviewed, and he replied that he had nothing more to share on that topic at this point.
I suspect that the other books in this genre will receive heightened scrutiny over the next several weeks.