Update: markdriscoll.org is back up. There are some Mars Hill elements which remain (e.g., navigation bar, and logo), are assets of the church, and presumably are being pulled from their servers. For instance, the logo:
The sites are telling Facebook they are the same site by using the same Facebook insight tag:
There is content which comes from Justin Dean’s new company Doxa Media (for instance this image on the “Get” tab).
Also, see update at the end of the post concerning the co-directors of Learning for Living…
Mark Driscoll’s new website has been down since the 27th after I reported that it was a copy of marshill.com.
This morning Janet Mefferd tweeted that Driscoll’s new organization, Learning for Living, is trademarked by Alistair Begg’s Truth for Life organization. I became aware of that last week and wrote Truth for Life for comment. Today, I spoke to someone at the organization who declined to comment but was aware of the issue. The person who is able to comment was not there today.
The phrase is also trademarked by the non-sectarian Learning for Living Institute. I don’t really know how this works since according to the search results two organizations have the same phrase. There was no response from the Institute to my inquiries before I posted this.
In any case, I don’t know if the trademark issue is the reason the website is down or if it relates to a clean up of the Mars Hill code issue raised over the weekend.
Update: Becky Garrison has information on who is helping Driscoll with Learning for Living:
Mark Driscoll
Greg Kappas
Tope Koleoso
23632 Highway 99, Suite F517, Edmonds, WA 98026 USA
As Garrison points out, Kappas (if it is the same one) is head of Grace Global Network. He has been with Driscoll since the beginning of his ministry, according to Wenatchee the Hatchet. Koleoso preached at Mars Hill’s best sermon series and is pastor of Jubilee Church in London. He was the speaker at Bellevue when former members protested outside that Mars Hill location. The address is a post box (517) at the UPS store there.