UK Guardian cites Getting Jefferson Right

One the UK’s leading news sources, The Guardian, has a mention of our eBook, Getting Jefferson Right in a column yesterday on Texas’ War on History.

Columnist Katherine Stewart wrote:

Barton recently came out with another piece of propaganda, The Jefferson Lies: Exposing the Myths You’ve Always Believed About Thomas Jefferson. To their credit, a pair of professors who identify themselves as conservative Christians, Warren Throckmorton and Michael Coulter, have stepped forward to debunk Barton’s latest exercise in their book, Getting Jefferson Right: Fact Checking Claims About Our Third President. But that hasn’t stopped Barton’s book from becoming a bestseller.

Got your copy yet?

6 thoughts on “UK Guardian cites Getting Jefferson Right”

  1. I read it in ebook form but I wish it were also available on paper. It certainly deserves to be widely read, and I’m glad to see it so heavily reviewed so many places. (My one complaint is that it needs a copy editor or at least a pass by an undergraduate who understands where commas go and can distinguish between restrictive and unrestrictive apposition, but that’s of course a trivial gripe.) On substance the book is excellent, informative, and a very useful reference.

  2. I read it in ebook form but I wish it were also available on paper. It certainly deserves to be widely read, and I’m glad to see it so heavily reviewed so many places. (My one complaint is that it needs a copy editor or at least a pass by an undergraduate who understands where commas go and can distinguish between restrictive and unrestrictive apposition, but that’s of course a trivial gripe.) On substance the book is excellent, informative, and a very useful reference.

  3. Ah, an e-Book! No spending $45 for the book and $55 postage (or just $140 locally).

    At that price, yes, I’ve bought it.

  4. Ah, an e-Book! No spending $45 for the book and $55 postage (or just $140 locally).

    At that price, yes, I’ve bought it.

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