CNN: Sissy Boy Experiment, Part 2; Nicolosi to be on tonight

At the end of Part 2 posted below, Ryan Kendall was on giving a preview of his appearance in Part 3 of the Sissy Boy series, on tonight. After Kendall was on, Anderson Cooper said that Kendall’s therapist would also be on. According to Kendall, his therapist was Joe Nicolosi. We’ll see…
Here is Part 2 of the series:

You can read some of Kendall’s testimony in the Prop 8 CA gay marriage case here.

4 thoughts on “CNN: Sissy Boy Experiment, Part 2; Nicolosi to be on tonight”

  1. Great testimony about how coercive therapy can be. Difficult journey for Kendall.

  2. Also a testimony about overly zealous (maybe zealous isn’t the right word – religious?) and controlling parents. Wow.

  3. Great testimony about how coercive therapy can be. Difficult journey for Kendall.

  4. Also a testimony about overly zealous (maybe zealous isn’t the right word – religious?) and controlling parents. Wow.

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