Some readers may know more about what this means, if anything, than I do but a reader pointed out that the blog is now classified as a top 100 religion blog (#24 to be exact). Apparently Technorati rates the reach of blogs daily and this one was a top ten mover yesterday.
Thanks for reading and recommending the blog to your friends.
Slightly amusing and/or telling that they brand the category ‘Religion Authority’.
And congrats and thanks to BTB for their great coverage on this issue.
I was. I think most of the other top religious sites really are dedicated to religious topics.
I see BTB as at the intersection of politics, religion, and sexuality, but I certainly never have thought of us as a “religious blog” per se.
I guess we follow matters of faith more than I realized. Perhaps that’s just due to so many stories recently that included either church involvement in gay politics or changing attitudes or policies within denominations.
Thanks for being on my top ten. 🙂
Backatcha, TImothy. You are at 14, were you surprised?
Congratulations from one “religion blog” to another. 😉