Three items that caught my eye:
Left and right unite to mock Todd Starnes for Baltimore comments – Mediaite has a smattering of tweets from conservative and liberal commenters about Todd Starnes attacks on Maryland’s state attorney Marilyn Mosby. After an investigation of the death of Freddie Gray, Mosby found that his death was a homicide. Starnes was apoplectic at the news which drew comments from the right and the left. Starnes really would be a better fit for World Net Daily or One News Now.
Female scientists told to get a man – A male reviewer for the journal PLoS told a pair of female researchers that a submitted article on — of all things — gender bias needed a male co-author. After the authors made the comments known, PLoS removed the reviewer and re-submitted the paper for review.
Prepare to make the jump to hyperspace – NASA is testing an electromagnetic propulsion drive that would speed up space travel. It will be awhile before the moon becomes a vacation option but the testing seems to make it all seem more possible.