This Burwell v. Hobby Lobby will be scrutinized widely and my purpose here is to put some links together on the decision.
In a 5-4 decision, the “Court holds that the government can’t require closely held corporations with religious owners to provide contraception coverage, though the government may provide that coverage itself.” The decision is a narrow rejection of the contraceptive requirement and does not invalidate other aspects of Obamacare.
A pdf of the opinion is here.
Follow coverage on the SCOTUS blog.
Some reactions:
Watch the Volokh Conspiracy for Eugene Volokh’s assessment of the case.
Larry Ross assembled a few reactions from religious leaders.
I thank the Green family for what they've done to protect the rights of all believers to live according to their faith in the public square.
— Gov. Bobby Jindal (@BobbyJindal) June 30, 2014
To the Supreme Court, your boss' beliefs are more important than your right to contraception coverage. #hobbylobby
— Americans United (@americansunited) June 30, 2014
At SCOTUS, birth control isn't your bosses business…unless you want your boss to pay for it
— Katie Pavlich (@KatiePavlich) June 30, 2014
RT @dcoxprri: Only religious group to agree with #SCOTUS #HobbyLobby ruling? Evangelicals.
— Public Religion Res. (@publicreligion) June 30, 2014
I'm glad the Supreme Court ruled for #HobbyLobby against birth control, cos the Bible's against contraception, even though it's not. #p2
— John Fugelsang (@JohnFugelsang) June 30, 2014