Scott Lively endorses a revised Uganda Anti-Homosexuality Bill

I have yet to see an actual revision, Lively proclaimed his support for one on his website today, saying in a release dated Jan 10:

A leading U.S. based pro-family NGO has today endorsed the Ugandan anti-homosexuality bill after it was revised to remove its unacceptable provisions and to add a provision offering treatment to sufferers of same-sex attraction. Dr. Scott Lively of Defend the Family International, who advised the Ugandan Parliament on the issue of homosexuality in March rejected the prior version of the bill because it contained extremely harsh punishments including the death penalty and life imprisonment for certain forms of “aggravated homosexuality” such as adult/child incest and sexual abuse of the disabled. It also focused entirely on punishment and not rehabilitation as Dr. Lively had urged. However, as was reported today by, the Ugandan bill has been revised to remove these extreme sanctions and add a provision for therapy of homosexuality. The revised bill will soon go to a vote of the Parliament.

Lively is apparently referring to this Bloomberg report. That article is not terribly specific but apparently talk of a revision is good enough for him.

The Anti-Homosexuality Bill has some American defenders

Sadly, some in America defend Uganda’s Anti-Homosexuality Bill 2009. A brief summary:

I have already noted that Scott Lively is defending himself and the bill by saying it is a “step in the right direction.” A few are emerging to agree.

Gary Demar runs an organization called American Vision and recently posted this piece by Joel McDurmon, A Perfect Hatred. This article reveals an extreme form of Calvinist dominionism, writing:

Now, it just so happens that God revealed that the homosexual act is a civil crime, and it just so happens that He revealed that the homosexual act as a civil crime deserves the death penalty. Warren disagrees. He argues, “Since God created all, and Jesus suffered and died for all, then we are to treat all with respect.” Of course, Jesus never claimed to suffer and die for all; He claimed to give his life as a ransom for many (Matt. 20:28; 26:28; Heb. 2:10; 9:28). Likewise, God did not create all for unqualified “respect,” but some to be vessels of dishonor and destruction (Rom. 9:21–23).

Odd that this writer would quote the New Testament book of Hebrews since that book designates a new and better way than law keeping as a means of relating to God. American Vision’s motto is “exercising servanthood dominion” which depicts the aim of this group: Equipping and Empowering Christians to Restore America’s Biblical Foundation (Psalm 11:3). Apparently, the church is supposed to enact biblical law (except maybe the law of love) as they understand it and rule as a theocracy.

This blogger thinks the bill is just fine and needed here as well. Another Calvinist dominionist.

Some are believing the spin that the bill only punishes child abuse and rape and become defenders in ignorance. Vox Populi says it took him “thirty seconds of research” to learn that critics are misleading people. The irony? He linked to the copy of the bill hosted here.  This is the same copy linked to by the NYT, WashPo and SF Chronicle. What seems clear to me is that he only read for about 30 seconds and closed his eyes.

Others are defending some of the people involved. For instance, this news release from the World Congress of Families defends Don Schmierer.  The news release focuses on Schmierer but includes Brundidge and Lively when it states:

Don Schmierer and two other evangelicals from the United States spoke in Uganda last March.  In the course of their remarks, they discussed the ability of individuals to mend broken family relationships, change destructive behaviors, and to leave the homosexual lifestyle. 

Apparently, the WCF doesn’t need to explore the facts about the situation.  In my view, they fail to grasp the fullness of what was done there, especially the venom of Scott Lively. In fact, Don Schmierer understands the anger directed his way as he notes in this interview with the Lodi (CA) News-Sentinel:

“It wasn’t what we agreed on for advertising,” Schmierer said. “He had me write out 45-minute speech on healthy parenting. I found out a week before I got there he made it a three-day event and added more people. One guy was speaking on fighting the gay agenda. The way we were all listed on the program, I can see why people lump us together.” 

And then there is this very strange article by “Accuracy in Media’s” Cliff Kincaid, asserting that somehow Uganda came along to divert attention from Kevin Jennings’ problems. Ironically, Kincaid’s rendering of the bill is inaccuracy in media while blaming others for creating a stir over Uganda to get Jennings off the hook.  And then in strange-article-#2, Kincaid takes on every gay related story in one place, mentioning that the Uganda bill “goes too far even for pro-family” advocates. Reading the rest of the article, I have to wonder if he is one of those pro-family advocates.

Readers: Let me know if you see any other groups defending the bill or those associated with it.

UPDATE: Lively now endorses the bill.

Teen Mania Ministries issues statement about Uganda’s Anti-Homosexuality Bill

Add another US evangelical group to the list expressing reservations about Uganda’s Anti-Homosexuality Bill. Well, at least they kind of do…

From the group’s Facebook page:

RON LUCE AND TEEN MANIA MINISTRIES desire to clarify any confusion surrounding the political happenings in Uganda that have come to view regarding the pending controversial bill before that nation’s legislature. While Teen Mania has partnered with many pastors and ministries in Uganda over the years, it has been to only one end: To reach people with the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ. While we hold Biblically based convictions regarding marriage and sexuality, we also stand by the commandment of Jesus to love our neighbors as ourselves.

Teen Mania has had nothing to do with the crafting of any proposed Ugandan bills or legislation and Ron Luce and Teen Mania Ministries have no intention of speaking into the political process of another nation. Ron Luce, Teen Mania founder and President, commented, “The scriptures clearly teach that marriage is to be between one man and one woman and that sexual relations are reserved for marriage. However, Jesus also taught us through his words and actions, that when people stray – our response as Christ followers should be to find them, love them and help to restore them.”

Teen Mania Ministries has worked with Ugandan leaders, pastors and ministries on mission projects and events in Uganda in recent years. While the work in Uganda will continue in Kampala and Gulu and Teen Mania will continue to hold fast to the biblical teachings found in Lev. 18:22 and Rom 1:26,27, Teen Mania Ministries will also be re-evaluating all Ugandan and African partners to ensure that we are not partnering with or supporting anyone who has advocated for a blanket death penalty for homosexual offenders.

We do not pretend to understand the difficult choices necessary by those in authority in Uganda who are trying to curb the heinous spread of HIV and AIDS, but we understand the necessity to take strict punitive measures against those with the disease that are preying on young children, regardless of gender. Finally, we do not pretend to know the intricacies of how this legislation has been proposed or revised, but our prayer would be that God would give wisdom to those making decisions and that His will would be accomplished in Uganda. Our prayers are with and for those in this beloved nation.

This is dated in that it was posted on December 17 by Nate Clingman. I just discovered today on their Honor Academy site.  According to a posting on the Exodus blog, Martin Ssempa told Teen Mania head Ron Luce that the bill was only about penalties for rape and abuse. However, apparently they checked into the situation a bit more and learned the accurate information.

Even so, this is a bit weak to me. Martin Ssempa is a partner of Teen Mania in Uganda and there is no word from them about whether that work will continue to involve him. I called the HQ today and will report any new information.

Ugandan official says Anti-Homosexuality Bill not needed

This seems to be a promising development…

Ndorwa West MP David Bahati’s Anti-Homosexuality Bill may be withdrawn from Parliament following pressure from the international community, a senior government official has said.

The State Minister for Investments, Mr Aston Kajara, yesterday said the government was looking at the Bill with the possibility of withdrawing it. “The government’s official position is that we have enough laws to cover homosexuality acts,” Mr Kajara said. “Government did not sponsor this Bill. It is a private member’s Bill. The government is studying it and we may talk to the honourable Member of Parliament (David Bahati) to consider withdrawing it.”

Donor countries, including the United States, have piled pressure on the government to drop the proposed law, on grounds that it violates human rights.

Ht: Box Turtle Bulletin…

UPDATE: But then this came in a couple of hours later

The left hand doesn’t know or care what the right hand is doing?

Uganda gay leader says Associated Press misquoted him; group not partisan

The New York Times this morning ran this Associated Press story on the Anti-Homosexuality Bill that did not make sense to me.

Ugandan President Urges Softening of Anti-Gay Bill


Published: January 7, 2010

Filed at 7:12 a.m. ET

KAMPALA, Uganda (AP) — A provision that would impose the death penalty for some gays is likely to be removed from the proposed legislation following opposition from Uganda’s president, the country’s ethics minister said Thursday.

President Yoweri Museveni has told colleagues he believes the bill is too harsh and has encouraged his ruling National Resistance Movement Party to overturn the death sentence provision, which would apply to sexually active gays living with HIV or in cases of same-sex rape.

The proposed bill, though, says anyone convicted of a homosexual act would face life imprisonment and it is unclear whether Museveni supports that provision or not.

Gay rights activists say the bill promotes hatred and could set back efforts to combat HIV/AIDS in the conservative East African country. Protests already have been held in London, New York and Washington.

”The death penalty is likely to be removed,” said James Nsaba Buturo, Uganda’s minister of state for ethics and integrity. ”The president doesn’t believe in killing gays. I also don’t believe in it. I think gays can be counseled and they stop the bad habit.”

Ruling party spokeswoman Mary Karoro Okurut said she also agrees with the president that some punishments in the bill should be dropped. But she said she will still push for a modified version of the bill when it comes to parliament in late February or early March.

”Although the president is against some parts of the bill, the bill has to stay,” she said. ”(Homosexuality) is not allowed in African culture. We have to protect the children in schools who are being recruited into homosexual activities.”

Frank Mugisha, leader of Sex Minorities Uganda, said the gay-rights group will campaign for and support President Yoweri Museveni in the 2011 polls because of his opposition to the bill’s harsher provisions.

”If one scratches your back you also scratch his back,” Mugisha said. ”Museveni’s action shows that he is a true democrat. As a head of state he is doing the right thing of protecting all interests of its citizens including those of the minorities.”

The group said it has received a growing number of complaints of harassment from gays and lesbians across the country since the legislation was first proposed.

Julian Peppe, the group’s program coordinator, said she was chased by a crowd of angry people while trying to leave a supermarket on Christmas Eve in the capital.

”I can no longer move out of my house due to fear of being beaten up by people,” Peppe said.

The measure was proposed in Uganda following a visit by leaders of U.S. conservative Christian ministries that promote therapy for gays to become heterosexual. However, at least one of those leaders has denounced the bill, as have some other conservative and liberal Christians in the United States.

The Catholic church in Uganda has said it supports the bill but not the death penalty provision.

But a group of non-traditional churches has accused Museveni of siding with gays and maintains that the Bible supports killing gays. The churches accuse the president of bowing to pressure from Uganda’s many international donors.

”If Museveni manages to convince parliament to drop the anti-gay bill, that will be the worst tragedy to befall Uganda,” said Pastor Solomon Male, the chairman of the church coalition, Arising for Christ. ”Uganda should not dance to the tune of donors. We have our values to protect.”

Anglican Archbishop of York John Sentamu, who is one of the global fellowship’s most senior priests, has said he condemns the proposed law in his native country.

This section did not ring true:

Frank Mugisha, leader of Sex Minorities Uganda, said the gay-rights group will campaign for and support President Yoweri Museveni in the 2011 polls because of his opposition to the bill’s harsher provisions.

”If one scratches your back you also scratch his back,” Mugisha said. ”Museveni’s action shows that he is a true democrat. As a head of state he is doing the right thing of protecting all interests of its citizens including those of the minorities.”

I called Frank Mugisha to ask if he was quoted correctly and he said no, he was not quoted correctly. He said he did not say, ‘if one scratches your back, you also scratch his back.’ He also noted that Sexual Minorities Uganda (SMUg) does not support specific political parties, saying

We are not political. As an organization, we don’t support any party. Like all Ugandans, some of our members support one party, and others support another party.

Regarding President Museveni, Mugisha said he did not know what stance he had taken. His comment to the reporter was meant to be a hypothetical statement, saying

I said, ‘if the President protects gays, then he is being democratic.’ We do not know yet what he is going to do.

Apparently, the leaders of the pastor’s coalition believe Museveni might thwart the bill based on their comments but I am not really sure what to believe after reading this article. Apparently Minister Buturo is inclined to recommend some kind of counseling or assistance in place of death but it is not at all clear what the specific changes will be.