Uganda’s Speaker of the Parliament opposes Museveni on Anti-Homosexuality Bill

This is interesting.

I cannot make a sound inference from these statements from the Speaker. This seems more defiant than some believe is wise in Uganda. But here he is declaring his independence from his party’s leader and President.

It ain’t over til it’s over.

Conflicting signals from Uganda about the Anti-Homosexuality Bill

If yesterday was yang, then I guess today is yin.

The foreign minister said today that the Anti-Homosexuality is alive and waiting for more discussion. This from Voice of America:

The Ugandan foreign minister denies the government is backing away from proposed anti-gay legislation because of foreign policy implications, saying the government is still discussing its position on the issue.  Gay rights activists express caution over reports the president has backed away from the bill.

I suspect many such reports will emerge from Uganda.

Meanwhile, Oregon Senator Wyden suggested that the AHB could place Uganda in violation of US trade law.

Article on sexuality in Uganda’s Independent

This morning, The Independent, a Ugandan daily, published an article from me on sexual orientation and the Anti-Homosexuality Bill. Titled, “What makes someone gay and can people change orientation?” I wanted to provide an honest summary of the issues surrounding causation and change.

The article begins:

Defending the Anti-Homosexuality Bill, Hon. David Bahati told the BBC, “It’s [homosexuality] not an inborn orientation, it’s a behaviour learnt – and it can be unlearnt.” Is this true?

Hon. Bahati’s assertion is not consistent with current research on sexuality. While much is being learned about sexuality, the reasons why sexual attractions take the direction they do for any given person is not well known. There are many theories but no clear answers. I think this is a surprising fact for many people.

I am not going to post the rest here because I want you to go visit the Independent, rate the piece and perhaps even make a comment.

UPDATE: Oh my, I made an error in the piece which will not be corrected until the morning in Uganda. Here is a comment I just left under the article:

Thanks to Uganda Talks for posting this column. There is one correction that I need to post.

In the section describing the Exodus International study, I wrote:

Just over 20% of subjects remaining in the study reported some degree of movement from straight to gay but most did not.

However, that sentence should read instead:

Just over 20% of subjects remaining in the study reported some degree of movement from being attracted to the same sex toward developing attractions to the opposite sex, but most did not.

I am very sorry for any confusion caused by the error.

Voice of America program on Uganda Anti-Homosexuality Bill

Today, the Voice of America did a program on the Anti-Homosexuality Bill today featuring Jeff Sharlet, David Bahati, Matt Kavanagh and Olara A. Otunnu.

For now, it is downloadable, go give it a view…

Movement away from Uganda’s Anti-Homosexuality Bill?

Scroll to the end for updates and audio of President Museveni’s speech and a video report from NTV.

Uganda Talks, the blog of The Independent posted this on Twitter this morning:

Uganda backs off anti-gay bill: Saying that it contradicts Uganda’s foreign policy, President Museveni announced t…

However, the link goes to a page which says the content has been moved or not published yet. I called the Indenpendent to learn that the content has not been published. The headline gives a hint that it involves a statement from President Museveni.

A google news search of Museveni yields this most recent article description:

Saying that it contradicts Uganda’s foreign policy, President Museveni announced that the anti-gay bill will be withdrawn in an announcement at State House.

I have gotten another unconfirmed report that Museveni made these remarks at a meeting of his political party earlier today.

This just in from Katende Bob Roberts at the Independent:

President Museveni has told members of his National Resistance Movement party in a meeting at State House, Entebbe that cabinet will talk to Member of Parliament David Bahati who tabled the Anti Homosexuality Bill 2009, in order to reach a position that will leave both the local and international community satisfied.

The president’s pronouncement attracted wild murmurs from the audience prompting him to repeat his statement. He said ever since the bill was tabled in the last quarter of last year; he has been receiving calls from various international figures including US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to find out updates on the proposed law. Museveni observed that the bill is affecting Uganda’s image abroad. He said although there’s need to protect Uganda’s values, it also necessary to take care of concerns of the international community.

While the earlier report of the bill being withdrawn seems unlikely, this signals a potential to work toward something that will address the issues about which all groups agree.

Thanks to a reader, audio of Museveni’s remarks are below. Click the link for the transcript.

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More coverage here and a much fuller account here in New Vision

Here is the transcript of Museveni’s speech.

Read these accounts and compare with the audio…

Museveni said he had been questioned about the bill by several foreign leaders, including the Canadian prime minister, British Prime Minister Gordon Brown and US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. He said Clinton called him for over 45 minutes over the issue.

“I told them that this bill was brought up by a private member and I have not even had time to discuss it with him. It is neither the Government nor the NRM party. It is a private member,” Museveni told the NRM meeting at State House Entebbe.

“It is my judgment that our foreign policy is not managed just by some individuals. We have our values and our stand, historically and socially, but we need to know also that our partners we have been working with have their systems,” he added as members murmured in disapproval.

Museveni narrated that the gay community in New York organised a rally and invited then President Bill Clinton.

“In that rally, about 300,000 homosexuals attended. I challenge you. Who of you, MPs, has ever had a rally of 300,000 people, other than me? Even for me, it is not often that I get those numbers,” he said.

The Cabinet, he added, had decided to call Bahati and discuss the bill with him.

“This is a foreign policy issue and we have to discuss it in a manner that does not compromise our principles but also takes care of our foreign policy interest,” he said as the MPs shouted: “No, no, no!”

He said when he talked to Hillary Clinton, he informed her that people come from Europe with money and woo young people into homosexuality.

Museveni warned that those against development in Africa use this opportunity to de-campaign Uganda.

Watch this space. I will put up the details as soon as they are available.

The transcript of the speech is here.