New York Times on therapy for sexual identity concerns

The New York Times Magazine will have a lengthy print article on sexual identity concerns, especially among evangelical gays this sunday. The well-written article by Mimi Swartz is now up online at this link. I have been away for several days and won’t be able to comment much under Sunday or Monday, but I think … Continue reading “New York Times on therapy for sexual identity concerns”

Sexual identity: Wall Street Journal reports on APA report and sexual identity therapy

(First posted on August 6, 2009) The Wall Street Journal’s Stephanie Simon has captured well the application of the APA task force sexual orientation report in an article out this morning. Of course I would say that… The men who seek help from evangelical counselor Warren Throckmorton often are deeply distressed. They have prayed, read … Continue reading “Sexual identity: Wall Street Journal reports on APA report and sexual identity therapy”

Sexual identity: APA sexual orientation task force report – Analysis

(First posted August 5, 2009) Earlier today, the American Psychological Association governing board received the report of the Task Force on Appropriate Therapeutic Response to Sexual Orientation. The report and press release were embargoed until now. With this post, I want to comment on the paper and recommendations made by the Task Force. Generally, I … Continue reading “Sexual identity: APA sexual orientation task force report – Analysis”

Christianity Today on evangelical divide over reparative therapy

Christianity Today has an article out online today which covers familiar ground to readers here. Written by Bobby Ross, the article notes the divisions over reparative therapy which have been accentuated by the recent APA report on sexual orientation and therapy. No surprise here: Evangelical leaders who advocate gay reparative therapy took umbrage at a … Continue reading “Christianity Today on evangelical divide over reparative therapy”

New SIT Framework website and list

Late Friday afternoon might not be the best time to post this but… I want to announce the new Sexual Identity Therapy Framework website and invite people to join the SIT Framework list serv. Here is the listserv portal: Click to join sexualidentitytherapy The discussions will be geared primarily to mental health professionals but interested … Continue reading “New SIT Framework website and list”