New SIT Framework website and list

Late Friday afternoon might not be the best time to post this but…

I want to announce the new Sexual Identity Therapy Framework website and invite people to join the SIT Framework list serv.

Here is the listserv portal:

Click to join sexualidentitytherapy

The discussions will be geared primarily to mental health professionals but interested ministry leaders and others may find them to be of value. There may be some overlap with the blog but there will be unique material as well.

One thought on “New SIT Framework website and list”

  1. From the article:

    The first thing he (Dr. THrockmorton) tells them is this: Your attractions aren’t a sign of mental illness or a punishment for insufficient faith. He tells them that he cannot turn them straight.

    You go, Dr. T. Start with the truth.

    Many clients, he said, learn to override sexual impulses, reminding themselves that what looks like an oasis will only “take me farther away from what I really want to be,” as he puts it.

    That’s reasonable. They don’t have to think of themselves as gay or have gay sex if they don’t want to. It’s a free country.

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