Weekend Roundup – Tanks, Government Lies, Anti-Gay Pride, Christian Persecution, Government Shut Down

These are some items of interest that I either didn’t get to or need no additional noise from me. David Barton: Tanks A Lot – David Barton told his Wallbuilders audience that private citizens should be allowed to have whatever weapons the government has – tanks, fighter jets, whatever. Just like the founders had. How … Continue reading “Weekend Roundup – Tanks, Government Lies, Anti-Gay Pride, Christian Persecution, Government Shut Down”

Uganda’s Speaker of Parliament Denies Travel Sanctions over Anti-gay Bill

In an article on the parliament website, Rebecca Kadaga denies that she has been barred from attending the Global Peace Convention over her support for the Anti-Homosexuality Bill. As I noted last night, the State Department denied reports that  sanctions have been threatened.  It is unclear what committee chair Stephen Tashobya was referring to by … Continue reading “Uganda’s Speaker of Parliament Denies Travel Sanctions over Anti-gay Bill”

Who Are the Paleo Evangelicals?

Last week, historian Thomas Kidd described a subset of evangelicals who are reluctant Republicans. Inspired by the term paleoconservative, he calls them paleo evangelicals. These evangelicals, according to Kidd, are suspicious of American civil religion, and skeptical that much good comes from allegiance to any political party. Although conservative, paleos do not agree with the … Continue reading “Who Are the Paleo Evangelicals?”

Nobel Peace Laureates issue statement on behalf of LGBT people

Government oppression of freedom of conscience and expression is unconscionable. View this statement from four Nobel Peace Laureates expressing support for such freedom with special application to LGBT people. Uganda’s Frank Mugisha is quoted in the statement as well. The statement begins: (Washington – June 21, 2012) In an unprecedented statement, four esteemed Nobel Laureates, including Archbishop … Continue reading “Nobel Peace Laureates issue statement on behalf of LGBT people”

Exodus issues additional statement regarding criminalization and Dennis Jernigan in Jamaica

Been traveling so this is just now going up: Exodus International Releases New Policy Statement On the Criminalization of Homosexuality Ministry responds to Christian Music Artist and Exodus Board Member, Dennis Jernigan’s Remarks in Kingston, Jamaica Orlando, Fla—Exodus International, the oldest and largest Christian ministry dealing with homosexuality, released a new policy statement on the … Continue reading “Exodus issues additional statement regarding criminalization and Dennis Jernigan in Jamaica”