Donald Trump the Divider of Evangelicals; The Kids Aren't Alright With It

Over the weekend, Mark Oppenheimer penned an op-ed criticizing Eric Metaxas for supporting Donald Trump. More than criticize Metaxas’ position, Oppenheimer expressed surprise that a Bonhoeffer biographer like Metaxas could overlook what seems to be an obvious fascist theme in Trump’s campaign. Today, conservative writer and friend of Metaxas Rod Dreher accuses Oppenheimer of smearing … Continue reading “Donald Trump the Divider of Evangelicals; The Kids Aren't Alright With It”

When Trump Came to the Door, Why Didn't Evangelicals Play Hard to Get?

This post probably comes a little too late. However, there may be a little time left. We’re the ones, after all, who are supposed to believe in miracles. The Strange Case of a Bonhoeffer Biographer Endorsing Trump Too many evangelicals just melted into a puddle of sugar when Donald Trump came calling. Some liked him … Continue reading “When Trump Came to the Door, Why Didn't Evangelicals Play Hard to Get?”

Compare What Christian Leaders Said about Bill Clinton in 1998 to Trump Endorsements Now

Wayne Grudem caused quite a stir with his endorsement of Donald Trump last week. Matthew Boedy responded on this blog yesterday with a brief analysis of Grudem’s rhetoric. Others have come out in favor of Grudem’s reasoning and still others have expressed sharp disappointment. Last night, a Twitter user asked what Grudem thought of Bill … Continue reading “Compare What Christian Leaders Said about Bill Clinton in 1998 to Trump Endorsements Now”

Did Hillary Clinton Plagiarize Alexis de Tocqueville?

Tonight in her speech, Hillary Clinton said: But here’s the sad truth: There is no other Donald Trump…This is it. And in the end, it comes down to what Donald Trump doesn’t get: that America is great – because America is good. Did she plagiarize de Tocqueville? No, because de Tocqueville didn’t say that. According … Continue reading “Did Hillary Clinton Plagiarize Alexis de Tocqueville?”

If Trump Becomes the GOP Nominee, the RNC is Responsible

There is a way that the GOP can be saved. The Wall Street Journal maps it out here. Since a Virginia court case earlier this week made it clear that a state may not enforce laws overriding the rules of a political party, it is now up to the GOP rules committee to adopt a rule … Continue reading “If Trump Becomes the GOP Nominee, the RNC is Responsible”