Eric Metaxas Promotes Donald Trump’s Last-Ditch Effort to Destabilize Election

On his Facebook page, author and Trump die hard Eric Metaxas is promoting Donald Trump’s last-ditch effort to get Republican legislators not to certify the election results in states where Joe Biden won. OKAY, THIS SHOULD MAKE IT EASIER STILL! ALL EMAIL ADDRESSES AND A SAMPLE LETTER YOU CAN USE! PLEASE DO THIS AND PLEASE … Continue reading “Eric Metaxas Promotes Donald Trump’s Last-Ditch Effort to Destabilize Election”

About Punching a Protestor, Eric Metaxas Says “It Just Happened”

Well, he didn’t want his story to come out but thanks to a fellow named Paul Glader writing on a website called Religion Unplugged, we now have it confirmed that Eric Metaxas punched Portland activist Anthony P. Harrington after Trump’s acceptance speech last Thurday night. (See this post for background) Metaxas emailed Glader with the … Continue reading “About Punching a Protestor, Eric Metaxas Says “It Just Happened””

What Happened to Eric Metaxas? We May Finally Find Out!

Tomorrow, I will post an interview with former King’s College president Gregory Thornbury. Thornbury who is friends with Eric Metaxas offers a theory about why Metaxas has turned into a Trumpist. Watch: Come back tomorrow to for the rest of the interview with Greg. We take on Trumpism, Christian celebrity, and court evangelicals. It … Continue reading “What Happened to Eric Metaxas? We May Finally Find Out!”

The Veggie Tale Guy Checks Eric Metaxas on Bonhoeffer

This tweet from Veggie Tale creator Phil Vischer is wise and powerful. Eric, I love you, but your own book talks about Bonhoeffer's deep concern for the plight of blacks in America. I'm pretty sure if he showed up right now he'd be talking about more than just abortion and the "evil left." — … Continue reading “The Veggie Tale Guy Checks Eric Metaxas on Bonhoeffer”

Eric Metaxas Brings Back Katie “WhiteLivesMatter” Hopkins

The timing is key. In the midst of the worst racial unrest in the United States since the late 1960s, Eric Metaxas today hosted white nationalist apologist Katie Hopkins.  Her tweet today is representative of what Metaxas is promoting on his show. I stand by every word. #WhiteLivesMatter — Katie Hopkins (@KTHopkins) June 3, … Continue reading “Eric Metaxas Brings Back Katie “WhiteLivesMatter” Hopkins”