Sexual orientation: Is it “that predictable?”

A reader sent this link to Richard Cohen on Universal Peace Television, a Moon controlled internet television network. Cohen is interviewed by Michael Marshall, a Unificationist and Editor of United Press International. My purpose for posting the link has little to do with the source but rather the content. We have discussed the theories of sexual … Continue reading “Sexual orientation: Is it “that predictable?””

Houston Press article depicts a dark side of New Warriors Adventure

In researching the New Warriors Adventure Weekend, I came across this recent article depicting a dark side to the experience. New Warriors is recommended by some reparative therapists (e.g., Richard Cohen, NARTH) as a means of getting in touch with lost masculinity. It is a chilling expose’ of secret activities conducted by a secret organization. … Continue reading “Houston Press article depicts a dark side of New Warriors Adventure”

More on the Unification Movement

In reviewing the websites involving the IHF personnel and the Unification Movement, I have become interested in this perspective. The Unification teachings are clearly distortions of orthodox Christian theology but could sound familiar and even appealing to many Christians. Here are a couple of websites that are associated with the Unification movement and “Blessed Families”: … Continue reading “More on the Unification Movement”

International Healing Foundation: A Christian organization?

UPDATE: 10/4/07 Since I entered this post regarding the International Healing Foundation, I have been contacted by Hilde Wiemann with explanations offered for the information I posted below. I also have spoken with her by phone. She told me that most of what I wrote below was incorrect about her and the IHF. In the spirit of fairness … Continue reading “International Healing Foundation: A Christian organization?”