Kay Warren Shows the Boys How to Do It

This is what I have been waiting for. I am appalled that the POTUS repeatedly (listen to his words all those who would @ me) encourages physical violence toward those who oppose him in rallies. This is not leadership. It’s not even adult behavior. This is childish foot-stomping at best. https://t.co/PKhOlIVjG9 — Kay Warren (@KayWarren1) … Continue reading “Kay Warren Shows the Boys How to Do It”

Dear Rev. Graham: If the Tax Cut is So Good for Churches, Then Why is Giving Down?

On the November 21 edition of the Eric Metaxas Show, Metaxas interviewed Franklin Graham and the two literally demonized Trump’s opponents. Watch: Franklin Graham calls anyone opposed to Trump “demonic” pic.twitter.com/8RGywx46GE — Jason Campbell (@JasonSCampbell) November 21, 2019 Graham first suggested an “almost demonic power” is behind opposition to Donald Trump. Metaxas interrupted to say … Continue reading “Dear Rev. Graham: If the Tax Cut is So Good for Churches, Then Why is Giving Down?”

Who Agrees with Tucker Carlson About White Nationalism?

To me, it seems obvious that white nationalism is a problem in America. However, Tucker Carlson famously said it isn’t. Even after Charlottesville, the church shooting in South Carolina, the Pittsburgh synagogue shooting and the El Paso massacre, Carlson said it ranks low on America’s problems. I wondered who agrees with him and found, as … Continue reading “Who Agrees with Tucker Carlson About White Nationalism?”

David Barton Misleads Ben Shapiro on the Jefferson Bible

David Barton spent an hour or so with Ben Shapiro on The Daily Wire recently and one of the topics was The Jefferson Bible. As Barton likes to say dramatically, Jefferson edited the gospels twice in his life. One of those versions we have today which is often called the Jefferson Bible. However, as Jefferson … Continue reading “David Barton Misleads Ben Shapiro on the Jefferson Bible”

No, David Barton, Vaccines Don’t Contain Parts of Aborted Fetuses

David Barton (left); Eric Metaxas (right) In addition to history, David Barton often tries his hand at distorting other subjects as well. On his Wallbuilders Live program (which is taped) yesterday, Barton said the following about vaccines: This is a big fight that’s going on now with the vaccinations. There’s a whole bunch of people … Continue reading “No, David Barton, Vaccines Don’t Contain Parts of Aborted Fetuses”