Chasing the Devil and International Healing Foundation

John Sterback seems like a really nice man. Mr. Sterback is featured prominently in Chasing the Devil: Inside the Ex-gay Movement. He is affiliated with Richard Cohen’s International Healing Foundation in ways that are somewhat vague. He apparently is training to be a certified sexual reorientation coach via IHF. At the end of this clip … Continue reading “Chasing the Devil and International Healing Foundation”

International Healing Foundation releases infomercial; ready to heal the world

Richard Cohen’s International Healing Foundation has released an infomercial describing their services and claims. Roll the tape… In the video, he features his three part program designed to help people go straight, help their kids go straight, and help their clients go straight. He thinks pretty highly of these resources as is apparent in his … Continue reading “International Healing Foundation releases infomercial; ready to heal the world”

Mankind Project self-destructing?

After a steady rise in influence and numbers, the Mankind Project may now be in decline. More about that in a bit. Today, Chris Vogel writes about a dispute within the murky inner-circle of the MKP which has become public. Vogel writes: Here’s some news for you readers who’ve been keeping up with The ManKind … Continue reading “Mankind Project self-destructing?”

International Healing Foundation looking for new leader

In his Fall, 2008 newsletter, Richard Cohen says that he is looking for a new Director of the International Healing Foundation. On page 3, Cohen announces: PASSING THE TORCH OF TRUTH AND LOVE Now that these three landmark healing protocols are completed, it’s time to raise up the next generation of healers. Therefore, I would … Continue reading “International Healing Foundation looking for new leader”

Exodus makes new policy statement regarding holding therapy and IHF

Recently, questions have been raised on various blogs about connections between Exodus International and Richard Cohen. Initially,Exgaywatch noted that a statement regarding distance from Mr. Cohen’s methods had been removed from their website and that Janelle Hallman, on the Exodus Speaker’s Bureau, recommends the International Healing Foundation on her website. Then XGW received a statement … Continue reading “Exodus makes new policy statement regarding holding therapy and IHF”