Al Mohler says evangelicals have not told the truth about homosexuality; AFA's Bryan Fischer proves the point

Al Mohler, the President of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, told the Christian Science Monitor in March that Baptists have lied about homosexuality and practiced a “form of homophobia.” Responding to questions about the CSM article, Mohler affirmed his belief that same-sex sexual behavior is sin, but then told the Associated Baptist Press: “But we … Continue reading “Al Mohler says evangelicals have not told the truth about homosexuality; AFA's Bryan Fischer proves the point”

I am not a part of NARTH

UPDATE (Monday morning): The references to me have been removed from the CP article… That’s the best title I could think of after reading this article in the Christian Post: Ex-gay Convention Draws Protestors in Penn. I suspect Stephanie Samuel just doesn’t know the area well enough to know why the way she wrote her … Continue reading “I am not a part of NARTH”

Correcting Canyon Ridge: What Uganda’s Anti-Homosexuality Bill really says

 On July 11, Pastor Kevin Odor took about 17 minutes to open his sermon with a description of the current controversy over Canyon Ridge Christian Church’s partnership with Martin Ssempa. He described some of the methods Ssempa has used to promote Uganda’s Anti-Homosexuality Bill as “offensive” and said the church leaders met with Ssempa in March to … Continue reading “Correcting Canyon Ridge: What Uganda’s Anti-Homosexuality Bill really says”

Uganda Joint Christian Council recommendations to Parliament for the Anti-Homosexuality Bill

Recently Canyon Ridge Christian Church launched a defense of their partnership with Uganda’s Martin Ssempa. Despite the fact that Willow Creek Association expressed regret over their 2007 award to Ssempa for his AIDS work and Rick Warren’s condemnation of the Anti-Homosexuality Bill, Pastor Kevin Odor told his congregation a couple of Sundays ago that the … Continue reading “Uganda Joint Christian Council recommendations to Parliament for the Anti-Homosexuality Bill”

Uganda’s Anti-Homosexuality Bill – Full text with commentary

In October, 2009, David Bahati and Benson Obua introduced the Anti-Homosexuality Bill in the Ugandan Parliament. Supporters of the bill have claimed publicly that the bill is designed to provide consequences for molestation of boys in the same way Ugandan law does for offenses against girls. Yesterday, Martin Ssempa said to the Christianity Today that … Continue reading “Uganda’s Anti-Homosexuality Bill – Full text with commentary”