Psychologists at the Center of CIA Torture Controversy (Full Report)

Two psychologists are at the heart of the Senate report on enhanced interrogation techniques used on detainees after the 9/11/01 attack on the World Trade Center. The report can be read here. James Mitchell and John “Bruce” Jessen have been identified by the Wall Street Journal and other media sources as the psychologists responsible for … Continue reading “Psychologists at the Center of CIA Torture Controversy (Full Report)”

Uganda Watch: Evangelicals and Ugandans on the Defensive

Ugandan politicians and evangelical leaders have been on the defensive for different reasons since the Anti-Homosexuality Bill was signed into law by President Yoweri Museveni. Many evangelicals are having to account for support for the bill which arose from the far right element of the evangelical world and Ugandan leaders, facing loss of aid from … Continue reading “Uganda Watch: Evangelicals and Ugandans on the Defensive”

Answering Matt Barber on Jefferson and the First Amendment

Continuing the Liberty Law School misunderstanding of the First Amendment, Matt Barber cites Thomas Jefferson out of context in a recent WND column. Following David Barton, Barber wants the intent of the First Amendment to cover denominations of Christianity.  Barber writes: Now what did they mean by “… shall make no law respecting an establishment … Continue reading “Answering Matt Barber on Jefferson and the First Amendment”

NARTH Touts Jones and Yarhouse Study

I was wondering when NARTH would weigh in on the Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy publication of the Jones and Yarhouse study. Dated October, 2011, the title of the post — Change in Sexual Orientation is Possible — immediately spins the study. Here is what the press release about the Jones and Yarhouse study … Continue reading “NARTH Touts Jones and Yarhouse Study”

Michael Brown: Here is a taste of next month's NARTH conference

The National Association for the Research and Therapy of Homosexuality claims to be a scientific organization. However, a review of their website finds lots of anti-gay advocacy. In the past, when I bring this up with NARTH supporters, what I have been told is that they do it because the APA does it. While I … Continue reading “Michael Brown: Here is a taste of next month's NARTH conference”