American Psychological Association comments on DSM gender identity issue

The other APA (the psychologists) has now commented on the appointment of Ken Zucker to the psychiatrist’s APA DSM task force. American Psychological Association Office of Public Affairs (202) 336-5700 [email protected] Statement on Gender Identity Disorder and the Planned Revision of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual May 2008 There has been some recent confusion regarding … Continue reading “American Psychological Association comments on DSM gender identity issue”

Year in review: Top Ten Stories from 2007

Since it was so much fun last year, I decided to compile a top ten list of stories of the year on the blog. Since I am the only voter, the list is subjective and regular readers might arrange them differently or think I should have included another story over one of these. The stories are … Continue reading “Year in review: Top Ten Stories from 2007”

Psychologists to review stance on gays: AP article

David Crary of the AP has an article out today about the APA task force on sexual orientation policies. In this article, David Crary refers to a letter signed by numerous Christian groups and individuals. I am attaching the letter and signers. This is a broad spectrum of people agreeing to only what is written … Continue reading “Psychologists to review stance on gays: AP article”

Counseling Today letter to the editor on religious diversity and sexual identity

Several weeks ago, I wrote about an article on religion and sexual identity that was published in the April 2007 issue of the American Counseling Association’s monthly newsletter, Counseling Today. The article was titled “Strange Bedfellows? Spirituality meets sexual identity in the counseling office.” I felt the article was one-sided in that no options were … Continue reading “Counseling Today letter to the editor on religious diversity and sexual identity”

Abortion and Mental Health: A Pro-Life Reaction

‘Evidence Doesn’t Matter’ — APA Spokesperson Says of Abortion Complications Studies Showing Emotional Problems Not Relevant to American Psychological Association’s Pro-Choice Advocacy To: National Desk Contact: Amy Sobie, for the Elliot Institute, 217-525-8202 SPRINGFIELD, Il., Feb. 17 /Christian Wire Service/ — According to a spokesperson for the American Psychological Association, the APA’s pro-choice position, first … Continue reading “Abortion and Mental Health: A Pro-Life Reaction”