Only the gay die young? Part 7 – Paul and Kirk Cameron reply

As expected, Drs Cameron have replied to my critique of their study of gay life expectancy. They have made it neat and tidy by separately replying so click each name below to read their letters.

Paul Cameron

Kirk Cameron

Paul Cameron’s letter came with my critique included so I have left this in the document (it is getting long) — Cameron’s thoughts begin on page 7.

Transcripts of Catholic University presentations

On December 11, 2006, I presented a speech at the Catholic University School of Law as a part of a symposium titled: What’s the Story? A multidisciplinary discussion of Same-Sex Marriage & Religious Liberty. It was a crowded day with many presentations, primarily relating to legal issues and same-sex marriage. Also on my part of the program was J. Michael Bailey of Northwestern University.

I recently received the transcripts of the programs. They are lengthy so I am going to link to Dr. Bailey’s and then my program. My powerpoint is also on this site.

Presentations by:

J. Michael Bailey

Warren Throckmorton

One upshot of the day is an ongoing correspondence with Dr. Bailey. We hope to conduct brain imaging research with individuals who describe change in sexual attractions.

Racism on You Tube revisited

Last week, I posted briefly on the racist videos on YouTube and was glad to see that one racist’s account (johnsmithxp1) was suspended. However, johnsmithxp1 is now back as johnsmithxp2 with most of the same videos. Conspicuously missing is the video that sparked interest in the site in the first place — the clips of It’s Elementary (posted now at MassResistance).

For several days now, I have been reporting several videos (for examples, this and this) as hate speech with no change that I can see. If anyone reading this knows a better way to register protests at You Tube over this matter, let me know.

Values Focused Counseling: Sexual Identity Therapy illustrated

In January 2005, I interviewed David Akinsanya, then of the BBC, for a documentary called Sad to be Gay. The BBC special aired without this footage due to some technical issues and time constraints. Through the permission of David and the BBC, I have been granted permission to use the interview for educational purposes. This segment is at the beginning of the interview and demonstrates an application of the sexual identity therapy framework that Mark Yarhouse and I were beginning to develop at that time. As time permits, I plan to post additional segments of the interviews.

Only the gay die young? Part 6 – Exodus International statement

Apropos to the recent series of posts examining the recent report from Paul and Kirk Cameron on life expectancy is this action from Exodus International. Up to earlier today, Exodus had a page titled “Is there a connection between life expectancy and homosexuality?” with various assertions about the health status of homosexuals as a group. One point claimed a very short life expectancy for homosexuals (in the 40s). Now when you access that page, you see this message:

This article has been removed due to the inaccuracies surrounding the research of Paul Cameron.

Alan Chambers made a statement on ExgayWatch about this action.

I have also learned from the British Medical Journal that, in contrast to his statement in recent news releases, he is not considered a reviewer by that journal.