Should Larry King’s killer be tried as an adult?

At issue in the trial of Brandon McInerney for the murder of Larry King is whether McInerney should be tried as an adult. Many people, including gay rights groups believe he should be tried as a juvenile. This in no way minimizes his crime. However, it does recognize that the McInerney is a child and may be able to alter his life with help.

Sadly, the defense attorney in this case seems to lay some of the responsibility on King’s behavior and alleges the school should have intervened. That defense cannot be taken seriously.

This case is very sad. GLSEN has made the Day of Silence this year in tribute to King’s memory.

American Psychiatric Association symposium on religion, therapy and homosexuality

I am looking forward to the May 5th symposium in Washington DC, hosted by the APA at their annual conference involving Bishop Gene Robinson, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary President, Al Mohler, Past-President of the Association of Gay and Lesbian Psychiatrists, David Scasta, Harvard psychiatrist John Peteet and me. Here is a rebuttal to a critical article from Wayne Besen about the symposium and brief coverage of the event by Citizenlink.

Some responses to the Golden Rule pledge

I suggested on this blog that perhaps parents and students should consider pledging the Golden Rule on the upcoming Day of Silence instead of staying home as some very conservative groups have suggested. The response has been mixed. A facebook group has formed to promote the idea and some college groups are implementing the idea in a variety of ways. You can read more about that on this page.

Here are three recent assessments of the idea:

ExGayWatch, six11ministries, and Wayne Jacobsen’s Lifestream blog.

Photographer who refused lesbian wedding fined

The New Mexico photographers who refused to take pics at a lesbian nuptual have been fined. The Alliance Defense Fund will appeal.

Read this photography blog for comments and reactions from professionals.

Glenn Stanton and Patrick Chapman debate anthropological arguments

Not new news, but noteworthy nonetheless; Glenn Stanton of Focus on the Family and anthropologist Patrick Chapman debate Glenn’s recent article on marriage over at Box Turtle Bulletin.

First Patrick Chapman had a go at the Stanton article that started the conversation and then Stanton had his turn.

Followed by a lively and ongoing discussion…