Pew Forum releases major study of religion in the US

The Pew Forum on Religion & Public Life released a major study of religion in the US today. The LA Times has one news report summarizing the findings. Protestants are declining but overall 8 of 10 people say they are Christians. Lots of other findings at the Pew Forum website…

Call for research participants: The experience of heterosexuality

I issued this call several days ago, and will probably do so again. I am looking for men and women who are same-sex attracted and in committed heterosexual relationships. I intend to extend the research to ex-ex-gay and straight people as well but for right now, I am collecting data via survey from those who are SSA and in straight relationships. Email [email protected] with “research study” in the subject line.

Christian Post covers MRSA controversy

Today’s Christian Post has an article by Lillian Kwon regarding recent responses to the Annals of Internal Medicine article regarding MRSA among gay men. Yours truly is quoted:

While Throckmorton believes it’s good to give warning to groups at greater risk of infection, he said the latest study to him is “just a warning about sexual purity” in general.

Referencing a comment made on his blog, Throckmorton said, “When you single out one group, the unintended consequence is people in other groups would say ‘it’s not a health hazard for me’ when it’s the behavior that’s the issue, not the social group identified with.”

The discussion on this issue has been vigorous and I hope helpful to inform an accurate picture of the situation.

New York Times covers the MRSA controversy: Open Forum

After the San Francisco Chronicle printed an article linking MRSA with homosexual zip codes in San Francisco and Boston, the Unversity professors behind the original study are in the New York Times clarifying the intent and meaning of their remarks. See this article and let’s continue the discussion…