Boston Globe Endorses John Kasich in New Hampshire Primary

From John Kasich’s campaign website

Calling a vote for John Kasich a blow to “divisive demagogic candidates,” the Boston Globe endorsed Kasich in the New Hampshire primary on Feb 9. The Globe calls Kasich a moderate conservative and touts him as a candidate who can get results.
He has shown independence as Ohio governor and is a fiscal conservative.
Whether it is Kasich or Rubio or Bush, I do hope someone other than Trump or Cruz makes a strong showing in NH.

Jerry Falwell, Jr Endorses Donald Trump for President; Trump Still Leads in Evangelical Support

Shrewd move Jerry Jr.
Many will scratch their heads. Some will complaint and maybe stage a protest. Some donors will stop giving to Liberty but The Donald will no doubt make that up going forward.
In a CNN poll dropped today, Donald Trump leads all others among evangelicals with 39% favoring him. I think I understand this now.
Trump is rich and famous. These are two values celebrated among modern evangelical pastors. Trump is the perfect candidate for those who equate wealth and fame with God’s favor. Millions of people have been conditioned to admire wealth and fame as measures of success in the church. A big ministry must mean big blessing. Trump seems made for evangelical prime time.
On one hand, I am glad that a majority evangelicals are so far resisting the dominionist calls of Ted “Anointed” Cruz, but on the other, they are moving toward the new values of the church: wealth and fame. Instead of moving toward an ideologically less pure but experienced candidate like John Kasich, the church is distracted by the promises and pretty lights of Trump Towers.

Ted Cruz "Really is the Guy" Glenn Beck and David Barton Have Been Praying For

Some readers will focus on David Barton praying over LDS member Glenn Beck.
Some readers will focus on Beck and Barton’s certainty that Ted Cruz is really the anointed candidate.
Some readers will wonder why Ted Cruz, if he really is the guy, only gave 1% of his income in charitable deductions from 2006-2010.
Some readers will question David Barton’s role in the Cruz campaign while he is the leader of one of Ted Cruz’s Super PAC.
Some readers will question if the Holy Spirit’s job in the world is to be “turned loose” to energize a political campaign.
Some readers will marvel at the pious prayers while at the same time Beck and Barton mislead the public about why Barton’s book The Jefferson Lies met such criticism.

World Evangelical Survey: Rubio Increases Lead Over Cruz

Today, World magazine reports that Marco Rubio’s lead over Ted Cruz increased in their survey of evangelical leaders.
Nearly half of the respondents chose Rubio as their first choice.
The other new development was some new support for Donald Trump (5%).
As the mainstream media focuses on the feud between Donald Trump and Ted Cruz, this sampling of evangelicals seems somewhat split between Rubio and Cruz, with support perhaps moving toward Rubio.
While I know a few of the participants, I can only guess that World’s group is light on Teavangelicals (Tea Party oriented Christians). That group appears to be split between Trump and Cruz.
Another way to sort out the muddle is the Christian nation concept. In a Yahoo News article last week, Jon Ward suggested that Cruz supporters are much more likely to say America is a Christian nation than are Rubio supporters.
Another observation about the divide between Cruz and Rubio is that Cruz supporters really seem to think Rubio is a moderate or worse. The lone comment thus far at the World article illustrates:


Really?!  This is discouraging, depressing to see that some 82 “influential evangelicals” are so unconservative as to choose Rubio.  They need to look at some facts.  If Rubio is the Republican’s choice, there won’t be much difference between him and the democrat candidate, and not much point in voting.  Cruz is obviously the most conservative candidate and these “influential candidates” should be supporting him!
It is beyond belief that anyone could think Rubio and Clinton espouse similar positions on much of anything. Such is the crazy season leading up to the election.

Ted Cruz's Super PAC Hosts Ted Cruz's Campaign in Iowa

From the Waterloo Cedar Falls Courier:

Ted Cruz is heading to Waterloo for a rally hosted by Keep the Promise Super PAC which will feature Cruz and his national campaign co-chairs, Steve King and Bob Vander Plaats. The Super PAC’s coordinator and the director of Glenn Beck’s charity Mercury One, David Barton, will be speaking too. Oh, Beck will speak too.

I’m sure this is just happening with no coordination between the campaign and the Super PAC.