PA bowlers unimpressed with Obama; Clinton gets one pin

Kegler vote may roll away from Obama and Clinton

ALTOONA, PA – WTHN – Campaigning in Altoona, Pennsylvania, Democratic Presidential candidate Barack Obama may have significantly injured his chances in the Pennsylvania primary with a dismal performance on the lanes. Obama characteristically upbeat, raised expectations when he complimented the Pleasant Valley Bowl saying, “Those are some fine bowling shoes!” Asked if his campaign team could beat the Clinton in bowling, Obama said convincingly, “Yes, we can!”

Despite the upbeat predictions, Obama managed only a 37 (out of 300). Said one local Democrat on condition of anonymity, “He may not even get 37% of the primary vote with that kind of score.”

Meanwhile, Hillary Clinton was caught in another questionable story, this time about her bowling prowess. Hearing that Obama had bowled so poorly in PA, Hillary said she had much more bowling experience than her rival. “I will be ready to take the lanes on day one,” Clinton said, striking a familiar campaign theme. “We had a bowling alley in the White House where I bowled in the cooks and housekeepers weekly league. Once I even bowled two perfect games in a row,” she claimed.

However, later on the Ellen DeGeneres show, Mrs. Clinton could only manage one pin. A subsequent check of White House bowling records revealed no score over 100. A Clinton spokes person later said Mrs. Clinton “misspoke” and that she meant to say she had bowled all ten frames in the games in question. “Perfect attendance is what she was referring to,” said the campaign.

See related stories here and here.

Make way for the Evangelical center

Here is a review of a new book that is going on my after-the-semester-is-over reading list: The Future of Faith in American Politics by David Gushee.

I agree with this assessment by Gushee:

I think there are some fractures emerging among the people who identify themselves as Religious Right. I think some are starting to deemphasise partisan politics to a certain extent. Others are attempting to reframe their message. I think the new book by Tony Perkins and Harry Jackson (mentioned above) is a reframing effort. A lot of the things I critique in my book, they say ‘you’re right we need to work on those things.’ Things like disentangling from the Republican Party, having a more positive and less negative kind of tone, emphasising a broader range of issues. I think there is a feeling on the Religious Right that those things are a problem for them.

Sally Kern on morning talk show, Flashpoint

On Easter morning, Sally Kern faced off with Cathedral of Hope pastor, Dr. Scott Jones for a spirited debate regarding her comments on terrorism and homosexuality. The show is Flashpoint on KFOR-TV. The video with Kern and is the first two segments with an analysis by their hosts in the third. I cannot embed it here but provide the link to the Flashpoint page.

She asserts scientific evidence proving her views but provides none. I have asked her via email for this evidence and asked those who I assume have her ear for it as well with no response.