Berg vs. Obama: Request to submit amicus brief filed

On the Supreme Court docket for Berg vs. Obama (08-570), there is a notation that on December 1, AZ attorney Lawrence Joyce filed a request to submit an amicus brief (friend of the court) on behalf of Bill Anderson. I spoke to Mr. Joyce who said he filed this petition on behalf of Mr. Anderson because he believes there is merit to the Berg case and he believes the legal burden of proof of Obama’s citizenship should be on Obama and not Berg. Berg has granted permision for the brief to be submitted.
The request begins:

Motion For Leave To File A Brief Amicus Curiae
The Court’s amicus, Bill Anderson, requests leave of this Court to file a brief amicus curiae in this case. Consent to file it has been obtained from the petitioner, whom this brief supports; the respondents have not granted consent.
The amicus is a citizen of the State of Arizona and an elector of that state for elector for President of
the United States.

The brief is here.
In contrast today, Ronald Kessler, writing for the conservative disputes this case and relates a conversation he had with Berg at a dinner meeting. Kessler finds several reasons to discount the suit and believes conservatives should leave the issue and move on to more substantial issues.
Michelle Malkin joined in a few days ago with a clever column on the birth certificate kerfluffe.

Donofrio vs Wells: Supreme Court will not review case

The Associated Press is reporting that SCOTUS will not review the Donofrio case.

WASHINGTON – The Supreme Court has turned down an emergency appeal from a New Jersey man who says President-elect Barack Obama is ineligible to be president because he was a British subject at birth.
The court did not comment on its order Monday rejecting the call by Leo Donofrio of East Brunswick, N.J., to intervene in the presidential election. Donofrio says that since Obama had dual nationality at birth — his mother was American and his Kenyan father at the time was a British subject — he cannot possibly be a “natural born citizen,” one of the requirements the Constitution lists for eligibility to be president.
Donofrio also contends that two other candidates, Republican John McCain and Socialist Workers candidate Roger Calero, also are not natural-born citizens and thus ineligible to be president.
At least one other appeal over Obama’s citizenship remains at the court. Philip J. Berg of Lafayette Hill, Pa., argues that Obama was born in Kenya, not Hawaii as Obama says and the Hawaii secretary of state has confirmed. Berg says Obama also may be a citizen of Indonesia, where he lived as a boy. Federal courts in Pennsylvania have dismissed Berg’s lawsuit.

The SCOTUS docket has not been updated but will be shortly. The Order’s List is here with the denial. RE: the Berg vs Obama case, someone named Bill Anderson would like to get in on the case. See that docket here…
(h/t: FredVN)

Donofrio vs Wells: Obama citizenship case covered by the Chicago Tribune

Tomorrow the High Court conferences over Donofrio vs. Wells. According to reporting by James Janega of the Chicago Tribune, the case has little chance of succeeding.

Legal experts say the appeal has little chance of succeeding, despite appearing on the court’s schedule. Legal records show it is only the tip of an iceberg of nationwide efforts seeking to derail Obama’s election over accusations that he either wasn’t born a U.S. citizen or that he later renounced his citizenship in Indonesia.

Another article published yesterday in the Tribune sumarizes some of issues surrounding this and other cases.
This morning I received via email a fundraising appeal from the United States Justice Foundation.

UPDATE: Our efforts to compel Senator Barack Obama to produce a valid birth certificate in order to prove that he is constitutionally eligible to be President of the United States ARE TAKING OFF!
As you may already know, we recently filed suit in California to push the issue and, at this very moment, we’re helping to fund the suit in Mississippi. We are in communication with other states that have suits in process; and we’re putting plans into action to file suits in additional states as well!
But, because our efforts are taking off, that also means we need your help!
According to a recent headline in WorldNetDaily, Team Obama tried to dismiss efforts to demand that he prove his eligibility to hold the office of President of the United States as “GARBAGE”!
But they’re taking the matter a little bit more seriously NOW! With each passing day, Team Obama is finding it harder and harder to dismiss the question.

I really wonder what the end game is when the Supreme Court goes through several denied certiorari petitions. In part due to the media neglect surrounding Obama’s record and background during the election, I think the distrust of media has given rise to a willingness on the part of some people to give weight to the narratives questioning Obama’s citizenship. A glance through the almost 500 comments on an early Berg vs. Obama thread will reveal sincere people trying to sort through often contradictory information. In this environment, I think the entrance into the arena by the Tribune is a good thing. With lawsuits being filed in many states, the story does not seem to be going away.
For my part, it seems to me that the state of Hawaii is the final word on this matter. If the Land of Chaka says Obama was born there, I cannot see any U.S. Court taking any other perspective.
UPDATE: A related case, Wrotnowski vs. Sec of State Connecticut, also was denied certiorari today. (h/t: Rich)

Make it an Obama holiday season

The Obama for America store has some items for your holiday gift giving needs. For that cold loved one, maybe someone who didn’t vote for change:

Warren —
This holiday season, celebrate the historic accomplishment of our movement for change. Treat yourself or a loved one to a limited edition Obama fleece scarf.
Make a donation of $25 or more right now and get an official Obama scarf to mark an amazing year:


Or how about this collection of holiday favorites sung by the President-elect.
MC songs
Items purchased by December 15th are guaranteed to be delivered before December 25th.
When you make your donation, you’ll be supporting the Democratic National Committee. The resources they invested in the 50-state organizing strategy made this movement possible — help us build for future victories together.
Share this amazing moment with your friends and family. Thanks to supporters like you, we all have the opportunity to bring real change to America.
Thank you,
Obama for America

Nothing says Happy Holidays like an Obama scarf and album…

Auto Unions get the memo

United Auto Workers got the memo. Better do something.
I wonder what the concessions will be. CNN Money says the CEOs go to DC today and UAW is getting together tomorrow.
Why would the auto CEOs go to DC with new business plans but without knowing what the Unions might do? Is Congress going to be a labor mediator?
Oh, the deals that will be done.