Post Prop 8 – Ugly scene in the Castro

I didn’t write about Proposition 8 in CA during the election season, primarily because I had become preoccupied with the general election and the historic campaign. However, as all know, Proposition 8 in CA passed and has set off a firestorm of reaction. Protests this past weekend were widespread nationally (see this link for more than most people will want to read).
However, I want to post this video because I hope it serves as a caution to those on both sides of the gay rights issue. I am saddened by the treatment of the Christian believers who apparently were not there to celebrate the passage of Proposition 8, but as a resumption of an outreach. I also believe that the anger and ugliness reveals the rejection that many gays feel from the Prop 8 defeat. I hope leaders of both sides will step up and call for calm and cooling off.

Rejecting violence while experiencing empathy for the angry is not likely to be a popular position. I watch this video and I wonder, how can we live together? How can such divergent value positions co-exist in a society that often changes by degrees and not by fiat? Mostly, as I watched the impromptu march, I just felt sad and long for a better resolution.
Update: Some reactions to this from both sides of the spectrum. Pam’s House Blend says, “This kind of activism isn’t helping” and this blog offers more from the perspective of the group of Christians chased out of the Castro.
GayPatriot has some good advice for activists…

PFLAG claims Palin singled out a pro-gay book to remove

Today, PFLAG on their blog has this headline: “PFLAGer’s Book Targeted by Palin”. However, the ABC News report said to support this contention does not do so. Some people did not like the book “Pastor, I am gay” but the town librarian did not recall being asked to remove any book. The ABC News account reports the controversy in Wasilla and Palin’s question in a way that could link them in the minds of viewers but the librarian at the time said Palin did not ask about the book. Anne Kilkenny, of email fame appears on the ABC News report.

Bottom line is that we seem to have a conflict of memory between Mary Ellen Emmon (now Baker) and the reporter Paul Stuart in a story reportedly found in a local paper in 1996. I am having trouble locating it but Mr. Stuart says one thing and Mary Ellen Emmon says another, as reported by Bent Alaska. The city of Wasilla has posted a statement regarding the matter.
The PFLAG claim is a little thin and according to a Library Journal analysis out yesterday, there is no evidence she targeted any specific books, saying

PolitiFact concludes that, because Stuart’s account is secondhand, and his recollection seems hazy, and there is no corroboration from Baker or any public records, there is “no basis to find that part of the story true.” Still, the new information presented likely will be fodder for questions posed to Palin in upcoming press interviews.

Home schooling legal (again) in CA

In March, a California court issued a ruling casting doubt on the ability of California parents to home school without having a teaching certificate. Today the court reversed itself with good news for home school advocates and said the issue was a matter for the legislature to address.
CA Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger said,

“This is a victory for California’s students, parents and education community. This decision confirms the right every California child has to a quality education and the right parents have to decide what is best for their children,” he said. “I hope the ruling settles this matter for parents and home-schooled children once and for all in California, but assure them that we, as elected officials, will continue to defend parents’ rights.”

Photographer who refused lesbian wedding fined

The New Mexico photographers who refused to take pics at a lesbian nuptual have been fined. The Alliance Defense Fund will appeal.

Read this photography blog for comments and reactions from professionals.