Sexual identity model discussion: Values vs. change

There is an interesting discussion going on at ExGayWatch about an op-ed (A Valued Life) I posted elsewhere. Another article posted on my website is called Why Do I Have These Feelings? This piece is similar to a previous blog post but takes a different approach to the question. These two articles attempt to flesh out in a column format some of my thinking regarding ways to think about and respond to sexual identity conflict.

Donnie Davies and Joey Oglesby: Long lost twins?

A Weirder than Fiction Exclusive…

Dallas, Tx (WTF) – A touching and bittersweet reunion was held here today in Dallas between local actor, Joey Oglesby, and recently famous Internet musician and youth pastor, Donnie Davies. Mr. Davies and Mr. Oglesby believe they are identical twins separated at birth and have lived in the same state off and on for most of their lives.

Mr. Davies has recently become a Internet sensation with his music video, The Bible Says, which uses epithets offensive to gays throughout the song. The video and song created a firestorm in blogosphere and set off a hunt for the elusive Mr. Davies. The search for Mr. Davies led to Dallas actor, Joey Oglesby due to their uncanny resemblance. Mr. Oglesby insists he is not the enigmatic Mr. Davies.

Instead, the men think they are twins.

“I always thought I had a twin,” said Mr. Oglesby. “You know it’s just a feeling you have, then out of nowhere, Donnie ends up in my own back yard.”

Mr. Davies said, “Texas is a big ol’ state, much bigger than the state of New Orleans, where I lived for awhile. I’m excited and elated to meet my brother Joey. I hope this answers all my critics out there and will stop the heinous censorship of my videos.”

Twin expert, Dr. Joakim Bottoms, is intrigued. “We are awaiting DNA testing, but they sure look alike. And there are other similarities too. They both have a preoccupation with homosexuality, they are about the same build, are musical, like Cyndi Lauper and they both can dunk a basketball. That’s a combination of abilities you don’t see everyday.”

Mr. Oglesby is half of the famous Chicken and Pickle Guys comedy duet which has been described as “a comedy stew of dance, homophobic/gay experimentation, male chauvinism, obscure racism, and spiritual revelation.”

Mr. Davies similar controversial work can be seen at

Joey Oglesby

Joey Oglesby

donnie davies

Donnie Davies

UPDATE: 1/31/07 – Donnie speaks about his recent trials. Strangely, he fails to mention Joey.

Read all posts about Donnie Davies

Donnie Davies: Archie Bunker reincarnated?

While Donnie mania may be giving way to some Donnie fatigue, I continue to be interested in it for several reasons. One is the I teach social psychology and I am fascinated by the types of events and messages that persuade and capture the attention of groups of people. I showed The Bible Says video to my social psychology class and the reaction, as I expected, was quite negative. The discussion that ensued was subdued (I think my students were in shock) but focused on the persuasive potential of the video. As a caricature, the whole Donnie Davies episode could be quite persuasive. The analogy is to Archie Bunker and All in the Family. Take for instance, this episode where Archie reacts to the purchase of a doll for his grandson.

Donnie Davies may or may not literally mean what he sings (latest word from him is that he does), but whether he means it or not, the current Love God’s Way episode may function in the present day in a very similar manner to the way All in the Family did in its day. Those around then may recall the controversy over language and epithets used by Bunker on the show. Even though you knew it was spoof, it was still startlingly persuasive to see it acted out.

UPDATE: 1/28/07 – And the winner is…Looks like it is an actor named Joey Oglesby… And he’s a Baylor grad who once played a role in something called Jesus Hates Me.

Team Donnie Davies responds to email

Yesterday, I sent an email from the LoveGodsWay website using their email link([email protected]). I received an email this morning from Shane in response (and then a follow up at the end of this post):

Warren, I am sorry for the delay. Donnie has been swamped with work and all this other stuff as well. I could answer a lot of this stuff myself, but I feel I should wait for him. We are acutally working with one of the local news stations to do an interview. This should put to rest the rumors swirling around Donnie Davies being someone else. I don’t think he would mind me stating that we are new to this. Most of your concerns have no explanation other than the band and the ministry are relatively new. This is their first song. The album will be an independent release. I know that doesn’t help you verify any of this, but that is the truth. I will try to get an answer for you on the Exodus issue.



– Show quoted text –

On 1/25/07, Throckmorton, Warren wrote:

Donnie – I know you have already responded to me about this question but the questions persist about whether or not this is a clever ruse or a breakthrough new ministry.

I think some of the questions could be addressed if you could give a few more details about your situation. For instance, what church do you serve as a youth pastor? Does the Evening Service have any other music on the internet or recorded anywhere? Why are there no credits on your video, for instance, producer, cinematographer, etc? What is your opinion of Exodus International and their approaches to helping homosexual strugglers.

Hope to hear from you or someone who is handling publicity for your ministry.

With respect, Warren Throckmorton

Whatever this is, these guys are working hard at it.

Elsewhere, drummer Colby Starck denies he’s Donnie. And this pic is evidence against his Donnieness.

It’s coming

UPDATE: 1/26/07 – Someone from LoveGod’sWay Ministry replied to a follow up from me to Shane. I wondered why the website said the band had been together a long time but the email above said “The Bible Says” was their first song.

Here is the reply:

I am sorry for the confusion. It was miscommunication on my part. This is the first song that Evening Service has finished with Donnie and LGWM.

As to why there is little about Evening Service on the internet, they have had various names and members over the years. This video blowing up has surprised them as much as anyone. While the exposure has been great, they are actually very aprehensive what this means for their careers in the long run. So they are laying low for now and deciding how to best move forward.

I hope that clears this up for you.


UPDATE#2 – 1/26/07 – A new video message from Mr. D. Looks like Texas in the background.