Yesterday, the Fort Worth Star-Telegram published an article about the outbreak of COVID-19 cases among campers and staff voluneers at Allaso Ranch. As I did the day before, the paper reported that an unknown number of campers (according to one parent as many as 80 at present) contracted COVID-19 at Allaso Ranch during camping sessions during the month of July.
The Star-Telegram reporters interviewed parents who said they felt a false sense of security because their children had to wear masks on the bus ride from Fellowship Church to Allaso Ranch. However, according to the campers, they were allowed to remove the masks as soon as they arrived, never to wear them again.
Photos of camp activities confirm the reports of campers.
According to camp guidelines: “Camp staff will wear face coverings whenever they are in close proximity to others and while handing food.” If camp staff includes volunteer staff, this guideline wasn’t followed. In at least one of the instances documented by a parent, a staff volunteer was sick in a cabin exposing students to the virus. According to campers, staff volunteers did not wear masks. Food service workers did but volunteer staff can’t be seen in photos wearing masks. Understandably, parents have many questions and deserve answers.
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Despite the possibility that hundreds of campers appear to have been exposed to COVID-19, Fellowship Church and Allaso Ranch have been silent. Neither organization has responded to my requests for comment or information and they did not respond to the Star-Telegram.
It is also disturbing that the parents quoted in the paper said they feared retribution. These parents are doing what parents should do. They are being protective of their children and warning other parents. I feel pretty sure that Fellowship Church thinks of itself as pro-family. It is now time to show it. Will Fellowship Church be pro-family or pro-Fellowship Church?
Allaso Ranch should be the one “fearing retribution”, because if they violated safety measures they claimed the would use, then any waivers that were signed would be worthless.
It might well affect their insurance coverage also.
Do you really need to ask?
Does anyone really need to ask?
Fellowship Church’s theology of self-serving self-worship is on full display for the world to see. Their reckless endangerment of children–a felony in Texas–is now part of their permanent digital footprint. This is how they will be known and remembered. They certainly have earned their reputation.
Thank you for applying the necessary pressure on the church to be socially transparent about the spread of COVID-19 at their events.