Back in May of this year, I published information about the finances of radio giant K-LOVE’s CEO and other executives. Several K-LOVE listeners who also read the blog thanked me for the information and also contacted K-LOVE to ask why the CEO made so much and why K-LOVE represented their financial picture as being precarious.
One couple, Bill and Sandra Ford, was promised a reply from K-LOVE. First, here is the Ford’s letter followed by K-LOVE’s reply.
From: Bill Ford [mailto:[email protected]]
TO: [email protected]
Sent: Sunday, May 01, 2016 11:01 PM
Subject: Mike Novak’s pay (K–LOVE Comments, General Questions)
Dear K–love, I’m writing you today due to a recent discovery. I recently found out that Mike Novak’s compensation is over five hundred thousand dollars a year. This is completely inappropriate for a man who is paid by people sacrificially giving each month. How can you go on the radio during pledge drives and ask people to support the ministry when the president is making more money than many medical doctors? For years my wife and I supported a Christian/Jewish ministry until we found out that the head/founder of they ministry makes over a million dollars a year-disgusting when you consider where you think your money is going, and where it is going in reality. Please pray about this.
Bill Ford, RN
K-LOVE’s reply:
From: President – K–LOVE [email protected]
Date: May 3, 2016 at 3:10:59 PM PDT
To: “‘[email protected]'” <[email protected]>
Subject: RE: Mike Novak’s pay (K–LOVE Comments, General Questions)
Dear Bill,
Thank you for reaching out with your concerns about the K–LOVE pledge drive and specifically the salary for our CEO. Due to the nature of your concerns, your email has been forwarded to the chairman of our board, Mr. Darrell Chambliss. He will be responding as quickly as he is able.
We do appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts. Please let me know if you do not receive a response after two weeks. I do not know Mr. Chambliss’ schedule so am not sure what his time-table will be, but will follow-up if needed.
Have a blessed day!
Jill Graves
Correspondence Assistant to the President
K–LOVE Radio
Mr. Ford never heard from Ms. Graves or anyone from K-LOVE. Ford contacted me and gave me permission to approach K-LOVE with his correspondence. I told K-LOVE that I hoped they would answered Mr. Ford and that via the email I requested an on-the-record to his questions justifying the CEO’s compensation. Mr. Ford wrote a second time in June and I wrote to K-LOVE on June 30. To date, no one from K-LOVE has replied.
Mr. Ford told me that he is very dismayed with the stonewalling and is considering other giving options. I don’t blame him.
I predict that K-LOVE will not reply to these inquiries until major media attention comes their way. It now seems clear to me that K-LOVE’s leaders plan to avoid issues raised by listeners and will pursue business as usual as long as a majority of listeners allow it. If you feel so inclined as a K-LOVE listener, you can use the contact information above to contact the station with your questions.