According to Kent Hovind’s handlers, Hovind will be interviewed by someone at Wallbuilders next Monday. That interview will be taped and presumably aired at a later date. Listen:
The basketball star interviews Dr. Dino.
Kent Hovind’s most recent legal battle is summarized at Forbes. Hovind is serving jail time for tax related crimes (e.g., failing to pay employee taxes, evading IRS reporting requirements). In this video, (at about 2:18) he said he hadn’t paid taxes in 28 years. Actually, he is not in jail for not filing returns but it does give indication about his attitude toward taxation.
This report from 2004 says Hovind defends the anti-vaxxers, and thought (thinks?) Laetril is a viable cancer treatment. Can’t wait to hear Hovind and Barton talk about HIV.
I once heard Hovind speak at a Baptist church. That was a few hours I will never get back but wish I could. I don’t remember much of the content but I remember thinking that Hovind saw himself as a kind of savior for the church. However, even fellow six-day creationists have rejected some of his ideas.
Barton can say just about anything these days (Division 1 basketball star, translator for the Russian gymnastics team, there is no HIV vaccine, etc.) and get away with it, so I doubt having convicted fraud Kent Hovind on will hurt him. However, it should say something about Barton to those evangelicals who are on the fence about him.
For more information on Hovind see the blog Hovindology.