Local public radio appropriately calls the League of the South rally in TN, a “white power demonstration.”
Azuza Pacific theology prof, H. Adam Ackley leaves the school via a mutual statement. Ackley is transitioning from female to male.
John Lofton of the Institute on the Constitution presents the theocratic God and Government Project at Liberty University.
Looks like the adults have gotten involved in the Shutnado standoff. Maybe the Senate and the President can keep us from going over the cliff.
Update: The League of the South look pretty puny in this pic…
This is happening right now in Murfreesboro. http://t.co/IEsN2jxwdA
— nader hobballah (@broodmywarcraft) October 12, 2013
some of the signs @dixienetdotorg have at their white power rally in Murfreesboro, TN. #StandAgainstRacismpic.twitter.com/XmSoFkRPPq
— Drost Kokoye (@drostk) October 12, 2013
WMOT says about 50 LoS protesters attended the event.