The honors continue to roll in.
Bryan Fischer yesterday dug himself in a little deeper with a second effort to explain why the Medal of Honor has gone femme. He just can’t seem to understand what the fuss is about.
The fuss does continue. Opponents of Fischer are using his strange words to put some heat on his allies. Yesterday, Bob VanderPlaats, the pastor who led the charge in Iowa to overturn judges he didn’t like with the help of Bryan Fischer, distanced himself from the AFA spokesman’s comments.
The last night on CNN, John Roberts, sitting in for Anderson Cooper, added Mr. Fischer to the RidicuList. I watched the end of the brief segment where Roberts correctly noted that Guinta and other recent Medal of Honor recipients have indeed inflicted casualties on the enemy, in contrast to the worry of Mr. Fischer. And then he noted Medal recipient Thomas Hudner, Jr, a Korean War vet, who was recognized for his brave attempts to save another pilot.
I wonder what part III will say?
By the way, here is the commentary by Bill McGurn that Fischer keeps referring to. You would not recognize it from Fischer, parts 1 & 2.
UPDATE: I don’t have to wonder about Part 3 anymore; it is out. No matter how many parts, the title of the series says it all. Fischer finds a “disturbing trend” where there is no trend, gives the trend a name – feminization – and then uses it to denigrate the Medal of Honor. When he writes now for the third time, the “Feminization of the Medal of Honor,” he does not mean that as a good thing.
For some reason, every time I read anything from Fischer I subconsciously start whistling the Entrance of the Gladiators.
Give Fischer more Rope!
I wish I could find these people funny.
Matt Barber joined him today with his attack on my ability to be my husband of forty year’s spokesman should he be hospitalized and not some tongue-speaking assistant nurse who met him yesterday.
I pause now while Debbie Thurman looks up the meaning of ‘hospitalized’ so she can come back with something from Leviticus.
Matt Barber joined him today with his attack on my ability to be my husband of forty year’s spokesman should he be hospitalized and not some tongue-speaking assistant nurse who met him yesterday.
I pause now while Debbie Thurman looks up the meaning of ‘hospitalized’ so she can come back with something from Leviticus.
For some reason, every time I read anything from Fischer I subconsciously start whistling the Entrance of the Gladiators.
I wish I could find these people funny.
Give Fischer more Rope!