Philadelphia Biblical University condemns Martin Ssempa’s position on Uganda’s Anti-Homosexuality Bill

Philadelphia Biblical University wants the world to know that Martin Ssempa did not learn his attitudes toward gays at their school. They posted the following statement on their website, and on their Facebook page.

Recently, Ugandan pastor Martin Ssempa made statements concerning public policy regarding homosexuals in that nation. Philadelphia Biblical University (PBU) categorically condemns any position that calls for violence against human beings created in the image and likeness of God, or violent solutions to socially controversial issues. While PBU holds to a biblically defined position regarding human sexuality, to call for such action clearly violates the teaching of the Bible, and the principles and practices taught at PBU. Ssempa did earn a graduate degree from PBU in 1994. Ssempa also received an honorary degree from PBU in 2006 for his ministry of compassion to HIV/AIDS victims in his native land. The University was not aware at that time of Ssempa’s recently expressed views. His present publicly stated position in no way represents or reflects the views of the University, its administration, or its faculty. It is our sincere hope that Christians would hold their convictions regarding homosexuality with a spirit of grace and compassion toward all human beings.

-From the University Administration

I am not aware of any public pressure on PBU to take this stance, although I can imagine that alums were concerned about the reputation of the University. PBU is a conservative evangelistic school with a solid reputation. It is striking and significant to see a school publicly address the actions of an alum in this manner.

Other institutions which are affiliated with Dr. Ssempa include Oral Robert University (Board of Reference) and Canyon Ridge Christian Church (supporting church). Other people and groups that have distanced themselves from Ssempa’s crusade include Rick Warren, Wait Training and Teen Mania (see this post for additional details).

ht: Gug, BTB

8 thoughts on “Philadelphia Biblical University condemns Martin Ssempa’s position on Uganda’s Anti-Homosexuality Bill”

  1. Huh, Lynn, I really love that.

    I really do love that. See, Dr Martin Ssempa is following a time honoured tradition. Like so-

    Dr. Idi Amin Dada, VC, DSO,MC, Conqueror of the British Empire (CBE), Life President (till deposed) of the Republic of Uganda.

    Dr. Milton Obote. (Ooooops, I forget the other relevant titles…!)

  2. It depends on the school, but if a degree is given for a body of work as Ssempa’s was then putting ‘Dr.’ before your name is acceptable in most countries and America. However, if you append your name with ‘Ph.D.’ then you should in some way indicate it is honorary. Most often that is accomplishd by appending the degree with ‘h.c.’ in parenthesis for honoris causa which is Latin for ‘for the sake of the honor.’ Or you could add ‘Hon.’ before the degree or ‘(honorary)’ after it. Ssempa often adds ‘Ph.D.’ to his name, however, there is no indication it is honorary. In some countries it is also proper to add (h.c.) to the Doctor (or Hon.Dr.) before a name.

    For example:

    Dr. Martin Ssempa is acceptable, but in some countries should read:

    Dr.(h.c.) Martin Ssempa or….

    Hon.Dr Martin Ssempa

    Martin Ssempa Ph.D. is not acceptable, it should read:

    Martin Ssempa Ph.D.(h.c.) or…

    Martin Ssempa Hon.Ph.D. or…..

    Martin Ssempa Ph.D. (honorary).

    But then who knows what is customary in Uganda. Perhaps they would follow the British example, however.

  3. Ssempa also received an honorary degree from PBU in 2006 for his ministry of compassion to HIV/AIDS victims in his native land.

    That honorary degree really needs to be taken away from Ssempa. We’re talking about a guy, who uses the title “Dr” to boldly make these kind of authoritative statements on national television in his native land:

    “Homosexuality is the most efficient method of spreading HIV” (1:45)

    I find it offensive that such a person should be allowed to pose behind a title that depicts him as an honorable authority on HIV/AIDS in Uganda.

    Take away the honorary degree.

  4. Seems like they are washing their hands and saying “Well, he didn’t learn THAT from us.”

    Rather than ‘handwashing’, I see this as a confrontation with Ssempa to make a retraction of his position and conduct himself in a more Christ-like manner.

  5. Seems like they are washing their hands and saying “Well, he didn’t learn THAT from us.”

  6. I commend PBU for a strong, clear and well-worded statement! Hoping (but not requiring) that they take one more step, if they haven’t already, and contact Sempa personally.

  7. “It is our sincere hope that Christians would hold their convictions regarding homosexuality with a spirit of grace and compassion toward all human beings.”

    Well, at least PBU has a sense of humor!

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