UPDATE: A “hundreds person march” was held in Jinza. Video is at the end of the post and the Daily Monitor has an article about it.
It may be temporary but the Uganda version of the “million man march” on Kampala may be off. The Daily Monitor reports:
On Sunday, Police moved to halt a planned demonstration in support of the controversial Anti-Homosexuality Bill saying that the government is still sorting ‘issues out’ as pro-gay activists under the Unitarian Universalist Church of Kampala secretly met to condemn the same bill.
“It is true Gen. Kayihura sent us a text message that he hasn’t cleared the demonstration. He said we should meet him on Tuesday to forge a way forward,” Pastor Ssempa said.
Pastor Martin Ssempa, one of the organisers of the demonstration confirmed that the Inspector of Police Major General Kale kayihura had contacted them and proposed a meeting on Tuesday before the Wednesday demo.
Meanwhile a Tulsa, OK MCC pastor was in Kampala to support those targeted by the Anti-Homosexuality Bill.
The Unitarian Universalist Church of Kampala, one of the few religious organizations in Uganda that is supporting the gay community held a conference on Sunday to ‘highlight the need for an end to discriminatory treatment of the gay population in uganda.According their website, Reverend Marlin Lavanhar, President of Tulsa Metropolitan Ministry and senior minister at All Souls Unitarian Church, arrived in Uganda on Thursday last week to launch a campaign against the Bill.
However, Gen. Kayihura said he was not aware of the meeting and vowed to arrest them. “I am not aware of this meeting. But if we get them, we shall arrest them,” he said.
That video was down-right frightening. Just being that close to a mob who just wants you dead in the name of Jesus is a spine tingling thing.
I would like to see a transcript of it because I couldn’t decipher what they were saying 75% of the time. But I got the gist.
Gerald: If you were simply saying something, it would be one thing, but you are supporting a law that could result in death for an HIV positive person who kisses his partner.
I think that violates the Golden Rule and Jesus teaching about interacting with people who he came to save. Ask yourself, where and with whom, did Jesus put his feet down?
Martin Ssempa is my pastor Mr. Throckmorton and we do not hate gays.We just think it’s high time somebody put their foot down and told the “gay” movement that enough is enough.They may have traversed the whole world and gained lots of lobby power and public opinion in your countries but here-here we say back-off.
The minister of the UU Church of Kampala, Mark Kiyamba, is probably in the most danger of arrest along with the other local Ugandans