Leadership University removes “Homosexuality and the Nazi Party” article

Leadership University is a ministry affiliated with Campus Crusade for Christ and exists as a “faculty outreach and training arm” of CCC. Until recently, LeaderU had Scott Lively’s article Homosexuality and the Nazi Party available to readers (Scroll down and you can see the link here). Now if you click that link (http://www.leaderu.com/jhs/lively.html) you will not find the article.

This is the same article that Exodus International linked to but then removed in light of the Uganda ex-gay conference. Although Mr. Lively is an avid supporter of NARTH, that organization recently removed references to his work from their website.

Connecticut church tries to cast out homosexuality


Conn. church creates stir with gay exorcism video


BRIDGEPORT, Conn. (AP) – The video shows the 16-year-old boy lying on the floor, his body convulsing, as elders of a small Connecticut church cast a “homosexual demon” from his body.

“Rip it from his throat!” a woman yells. “Come on, you homosexual demon! You homosexual spirit, we call you out right now! Loose your grip, Lucifer!”

The 20-minute video posted on YouTube by Manifested Glory Ministries is being called abuse by gay and youth advocates, who are demanding an investigation. But a church official this week denied that the teenager was injured or that the church is prejudiced.

“We believe a man should be with a woman and a woman should be with a man,” the Rev. Patricia McKinney told The Associated Press. “We have nothing against homosexuals. I just don’t agree with their lifestyle.”

The church posted the video on YouTube but has since removed it; it is still available on some Web sites that copied it. The church declined to make the video available for distribution by The Associated Press.

It shows church members standing the youth on his feet by holding him under his arms, and people shouting as organ music plays.

“Come out of his belly,” someone commands. “It’s in the belly – push.”

Later, the teenager is back on the floor, breathing heavily. Then he’s coughing and apparently vomiting into a bag.

The minister says they have nothing against homosexuals. However, she fails to add that she just thinks they are inhabited by demons. Nazis. Demons. Worse threat than terrorists. And gays think Christians are hostile. Go figure.

If anyone knows where the video is hosted, let me know. Shades of James Stabile…


Here is video of the exorcism.

Ministry alert: Lighthouse World Evangelism, Inc.

ExgayWatch has a disturbing and apparently developing story about Matthew C. Manning and his Lighthouse World Evangelism group. There is more here than I can unravel but I think it is worth considering the story.

Matthew Manning has been on CBN and the Joni Show with an incredible story: he not only has been delivered from homosexuality but also HIV/AIDS. However, according to public records discovered by David Roberts at ExgayWatch, Mr. Manning’s deliverance is in some question. I have asked Mr. Manning for comment and clarification with no reply.

Sanford presidential prospects go south (of the border)

GOP Gov. Mark Sanford probably ended his chances for 2012 with a Father’s Day romp south of the border. Politico has the details…

Politico asks:

But is the straight-laced Republican base ready for a candidate whose idea of relaxation is leaving his wife and kids on Father’s Day weekend to skip the country?

The same weekend Obama exhorted men to be better fathers than those of the previous generation, Gov. Sanford is in Argentina “doing something more exotic.”

Bridge building – Bridging the Gap Syncroblog

This post is part of a synchroblog sponsored by New Direction. Over 50 bloggers are simultaneously posting articles on June 24th on the topic of bridging the gap between the church and the gay community. Participants hail from a variety of persuasions. Check out the list of other bloggers at Bridging the Gap.

When I started blogging on June 30, 2005, I was not sure what to expect from readers. I was somewhat surprised to find that many of my readers and commenters were gay. Over time, it dawned on me that my views of gays were pretty narrow. I found that it was true what I taught in social psychology: people in a social group understand the diversity of their group but fail to appreciate the diversity of other groups. After almost 4 years of blogging on issues surrounding sexuality, I think I have a better understanding of the diversity in the gay community.

As such then, the blog has helped to bridge gaps I had in my knowledge and in my experience. Since then, as I have become more outspoken regarding what I perceive as shortcomings in my own social conservative community, I have welcomed the increasing dialogue that takes place here.

I have experienced discomfort and confusion directed my way as I have reoriented my focus. Some in my community now disregard my views because they seem too liberal and some in the gay community do not trust me. The “dislike mail” (not really hate mail) now comes from all sides. Such may be the consequence of bridge building.

And so, perhaps my brief contribution to the syncroblog (said with a robot-like accent) is to point out to would-be bridge builders that controversy goes with the territory. I have found that it is very important to have a network of church, friends and family that understand and support you. A supportive work environment which values academic freedom is a distinct plus as well.

So build on bridge builders. May the One who is the Bridge strengthen us and enlighten our path.