Media reports regarding the APA sexual orientation and therapy report

In addition to the separate posts on the topic, here is some additional coverage. If time permits, I may add a comment or two of opinion to them.

USA Today

Christianity Today

World Magazine

Mother Jones

AP Radio Network

Associated Press

Los Angeles Times

Southern Voice

The Advocate

Citizenlink, Day 1

Citizenlink, Day 2

Washington Times

5 thoughts on “Media reports regarding the APA sexual orientation and therapy report”

  1. Was reparative therapy born out of the need of individuals hoping to change or alter their same gender attractions or was it born out of religious organizations hoping to change individuals?

  2. The APA report makes the essential point that aversion/conversion therapy is not capable of achieving its goal, being that of “curing” the homosexual of what some consider to be an illness. The very concept behind such efforts to change sexual orientation is simply ludicrous. It makes no sense physiologically and is misguided morally. The fact that there are persons who believe it should be undertaken serves as yet another reminder that a large segment of society still regards gay men and women as second-class citizens – or worse. That is the salient point of my recently released biographical novel, Broken Saint. It is based on my forty-year friendship with a gay Mormon man, and chronicles his internal and exxternal struggles as he battles for acceptance (of himself and by others). The story includes an episode in which the Church convinces the main character to undergo the type of therapy discussed here and, of course, it fails miserably. More information about the book is available at

    Mark Zamen, author

  3. I do not remember it concluding that “it is beneficical to help them construct an identity that puts their sexuality to the side”.

    I could be wrong, but I think it was the WSJ story that drew that conclusion, and other media picked up on it. It happens a lot in the media world. Both the WSJ and World are reputable publications, but it’s hard to avoid this trend.

    Taking off my journalist hat now.

  4. From World Magazine, not sure what its bias might be:

    The APA also said that it’s ethical and even beneficial for psychologists to help people who don’t want to practice the homosexual lifestyle, by helping them construct an identity that puts their sexuality to the side.

    I read the report. I don’t think it says this. It says that a client’s religious faith should be taken into account and respected — and that therapeutic interventions should respect these beliefs. I do not remember it concluding that “it is beneficical to help them construct an identity that puts their sexuality to the side”. Am I reading it right Warren?

  5. You mean I can actually agree with Joe Solmonese?

    “We have to change hearts and minds, not our sexual orientation, and we are hopeful that the position of the APA helps to heal those who have been hurt by rejection and betrayal, and to foster greater awareness, skills, and knowledge among mental health professionals.” (The Advocate)

    This one works both ways.

    As expected, the media biases (on both sides) are there for all to see.

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