Carol Tavris – Mind Games and a vulnerable public

From the article Mind Games by social psychologist, Carol Tavris:
“A public unable to critically assess psychotherapists’ claims and methods for scientific credibility will be vulnerable to whatever hysterical epidemic comes along next.”(Tavris, 2003, 7).
Just felt like that was important…

4 thoughts on “Carol Tavris – Mind Games and a vulnerable public”

  1. Reccomended reading on that topic:
    Destructive Trends in Mental Health – The Well-intentioned Path to Harm
    by Wright & Cummings

    You beat me to the punch – was just going to recommend this wonderful book as well 🙂

  2. Reccomended reading on that topic:
    Destructive Trends in Mental Health – The Well-intentioned Path to Harm
    by Wright & Cummings

  3. add:
    “The scientific method is designed to help investigators overcome the most entrenched human cognitive habit: the confirmation bias, the tendency to notice and remember evidence that confirms our beliefs or decisions, and to ignore, dismiss, or forget evidence that is discrepant. That’s why we are all inclined to stick to a hypothesis we believe in. Science is one way of forcing us, kicking and screaming if necessary, to modify our views.”
    Professional, freestanding schools of psychology teach their graduates to talk like scientists…but not act like scientists.

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