Forget designer clothes, get an Obama magnet for $10

The LA Time Blog today put voice to something I was thinking. Barack Obama broke all fundraising records in September, raising $150 million dollars and yet his campaign is still collecting $10 or more so you can get your official Obama-Biden car magnet.
Here is the email request:

Friend —
We’re facing an urgent deadline at midnight tonight.
Final decisions about our ground operation will be based on the financial resources we have on hand.
We’re too close to the finish line to fall short, and we can’t afford to look back and wish that we had done more.
Make a donation of $10 or more to own a piece of this movement before the final deadline.
Get an official Obama-Biden car magnet
car magnet
You can also choose to receive an Obama-Biden T-shirt with a donation of $30 or more:
The race is tight, and we simply can’t slow down.
We need to keep fighting right up until the end, and your donation today will strengthen this campaign in the final push.
Thanks so much,
David Plouffe
Campaign Manager
Obama for America

Dude, spend your tax cut now, buy a magnet or get crazy and buy a tee-shirt.

5 thoughts on “Forget designer clothes, get an Obama magnet for $10”

  1. Lynn, My advice to you is to hold onto your Change, you’re going to need it. But if you do have a few bucks lying around I would suggest you rent The Music Man and watch it…
    Be well…

  2. I lost 80+% of my life savings to a catastrophic illness from late 2007 to mid 2008. I still felt it necessary to give to certain causes and candidates in the past few months. I guess if you don’t have the acumen to post a candid nick then you probably don’t have the same to put your money behind your words, instead you’re sticking your hands in your crotch and diddling yourself.
    If I should determine that $5 or $10 or $50 or $500 should be needed and I have the wherewithall to commit those funds, then I would certainly consider that it would be money most well spent for that cause I would back. If you’re not ready to back your candidate or cause, monetarily, then fine. But what is the problem with going that extra bit to ensure what one feels to be right? Because another feels it to be wrong?
    I may be throwing good money after bad from another’s viewpoint, and possibly even my own viewpoint on contributions made in these months might be found to change. But right now, all one can do is trust in your judgement. So do you trust enough in your own?

  3. Gee, with the economy in the shape it’s in where is everyone finding all this extra cash to give? I know it’s a vitally important cause (Hallowed is The Obama) but don’t people have polo ponies to feed? I suppose when you’re a big Hollywood star like Bart Simpson or Daffy Duck you can afford it.

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