9 thoughts on “History Lesson”

  1. Let me add a thanks for this video. It still baffles me that NARTH has not “accepted” the resignation of Schoenewolf.

  2. Too bad we don’t have the capacity for abstract thought that would allow us to use sarcasm or satire to make a point…

  3. Schoenewolf and Nicolosi (who consider themselves “scientists” of the “fourth level” of intellectual developmemt) might want to do a little homework on African history, anthropolgy and culture. They could start here:


    It’s a PBS series on African Civlization, hardly the “savage jungle” NARTH has in mind.

  4. You left out the part about how every slave who got away on the Underground Railroad was given a free commemorative copy of Das Kapital.

  5. How can NARTH assert that those in the Civil Rights movement, which helped to put an end to this horror, were all Marxists with diminished intellectual capacity?

    How can EXODUS and Focus on the Family stand by silently while NARTH continues to defend this racist nonsense?

  6. Powerful; thanks Dr. Throckmorton! I think the folks at NARTH should take a look at this.

  7. Thanks Jim. Yes, been there a couple of times.

    Do you remember the house in Portsmouth that was featured in Life Magazine’s poverty expose several years ago? It was an Underground Railroad house that was for a long time a tenant house on the corner of 2nd and Washington streets. I think it is gone now.

    Many of the old buildings on Front Street were UR way stations. Lot of Marxism in Portsmouth. Look at us…

  8. Warren… You did a fantastic job putting this video together — very touching and poingant. And excellent choice of music.

    Have you ever been to Rev. John Rankin’s house in Ripley Ohio? It is preserved and operated by the state of Ohio as a memorial to that Presbyterian non-Marxist minister’s efforts to end slavery and provide refuge as part of the underground railroad.

    The Rankin family (which included 13 children) was proud of never having lost a “passenger”. Most of the 2,000 escaped slaves who traveled through Ripley stayed with the Rankins. Harriet Beecher Stowe, a family friend, used Rev. Rankin’s activity in Riply as the basis for part of Uncle Tom’s Cabin.

    Rev. Rankin wrote, “Thus have I been attacked at midnight with fire and weapons of death, and nothing but the good providence of God has preserved my property from flames and myself and family from violence and death. And why? Have I wronged any one? No, but I am an ABOLITIONIST.”

    In fact, Ripley was quite a hot-bed of non-Marxist activisim against slavery.

    The tiny house on the bluff overlooking the Ohio river is open to the public. Chris and I enjoyed our visit there a few years ago. It is quite an inspiring place.

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