Judge Roberts will be confirmed

I am way outside my area of expertise when I wax upon things political. However, my opinion is that the liberal opposition to Judge Roberts is mostly about rallying the troops and fundraising. On what basis would he not be confirmed? If Ruth Bader Ginsberg can be confirmed with her history with the ACLU then questions about former clients and charities and personal beliefs should be off the table.

Immediately, PFLAG and HRC are out in front along with NARAL in opposition to the nomination. Interesting connection, gay rights organizations and pro-abortion groups – it appears they believe Judge Roberts may not find an implied right to privacy in the constitution when he officially looks. Said better, he may not find that an individual right to privacy is an absolute truth to which all other rights and morals bow.

Having said that, let me predict the following: Roberts will be confirmed, he will not vote to overturn Roe, he will not vote to overturn Lawrence v. Texas, but he will strengthen parents rights, including over abortion and contraception for minors, he will allow states to place restrictions on abortion and he will vote with Scalia and Thomas on church – state relations.

5 thoughts on “Judge Roberts will be confirmed”

  1. Didn’t neglect it; I didn’t know it. I have seen no press releases from them and I had from the other groups. Glad you pointed this out. I do understand that there are nuances on all sides.

  2. You neglected to note that the Log Cabin Republicans and the Independent Gay Forum are ready to support Roberts; and PLAGAL opposes abortion.

  3. I feel certain there will be an effort to Bork him and I think there will be 5-25 senators that will vote against him but he will have to make a major mistake in the hearings to offset the support he has. If he is not already studying the Scalia – Ginsburg playbook, his handlers are and he will likely play it well.

  4. Dr. Throckmorton:
    “Immediately, PFLAG and HRC are out in front along with NARAL in opposition to the nomination. Interesting connection, gay rights organizations and pro-abortion groups – it appears they believe Judge Roberts may not find an implied right to privacy in the constitution when he officially looks. Said better, he may not find that an individual right to privacy is an absolute truth to which all other rights and morals.”

    The two gtoups mentioned that you have found ‘interesting’ are together for one reason. Their combined opposition to family and all that that entails. Disruption in family and things pertaining to family is the key to destruction of anything that smacks of God and His plan for His prized creation.

    Whatever they do though will not thwart the intent of our Father in heaven.

    You have hit the nail on the proverbial head in what you have said here. The word privacy has been distorted so that it covers multitudes of ways to investigate and/or challenge a person’s or group’s actions. What a shame that we have allowed a hand full of men and women to sway the scales of justice thus leaving all the rest of us volunerable.

    In the end though, God will have His day and woe unto the persons who were entrusted to the leadership of this country. They were given all that pertained to doing it God’s way yet many of them have chosen to over step His boundaries. They are going to have to stand up to an accountability demand that they will surely fail.

    To whom much is given much shall be required. I will stand by Judge

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