Mankind Project self-destructing?

After a steady rise in influence and numbers, the Mankind Project may now be in decline. More about that in a bit. Today, Chris Vogel writes about a dispute within the murky inner-circle of the MKP which has become public. Vogel writes: Here’s some news for you readers who’ve been keeping up with The ManKind … Continue reading “Mankind Project self-destructing?”

Mankind Project on marriage: Is this good or bad advice?

Jim Belushi is a funny guy. He apparently is also into “the men’s movement.” He gave an interview to the Mankind Project’s journal (which normally is password protected) you can read via a link on the MKP website. The interview was conducted by MKPer Reid Baer and contains what is portrayed as wit and wisdom … Continue reading “Mankind Project on marriage: Is this good or bad advice?”

Mankind Project clarifies stance on reparative therapy

Within the last day or so, Mankind Project members received an email from Executive Director, Carl Griesser with an alert to a new feature on the MKP website. …the next time you visit you will find a rainbow flag with the word Friendly superimposed as a navigation button linked directly to a slightly modified … Continue reading “Mankind Project clarifies stance on reparative therapy”

Mankind Project – Calling all spirits

I have started a page devoted to the Mankind Project on the blog. The initial topic is the practice of calling in spirits which opens weekly the Integration Groups (I-Groups). This practice is an aspect of creating sacred ritual space for the various processes (Guts Work, etc.) that take place in these meetings. Like many … Continue reading “Mankind Project – Calling all spirits”

Houston Press: A new retreat for the Mankind Project

Chris Vogel has an article in the Houston Press which follows up the settlement of the Scinto wrongful death lawsuit. Near the end of the article, Mr. Vogel quotes my blog post where I provide details of the settlement. I continue to believe the remedies are minimal and much more disclosure should be made to … Continue reading “Houston Press: A new retreat for the Mankind Project”