TX Source: Ted Cruz Considered for SCOTUS, Attorney General

Ted Cruz’s support for Donald Trump may pay off according to a source in the TX GOP.
According to the source, Cruz’s name has been dropped for the Supreme Court but the most likely job is Attorney General. This is consistent with a report from Jim Acosta and Bloomberg News.

Cruz has had on the job training since he once served as Associate Deputy Attorney General at DOJ under George Bush II.

Election Day 2016 Live Blogging and Open Forum

Fellow Grove City College professor Michael Coulter (Political Science) and I will be blogging through the day and evening regarding the election. Feel free to comment via the Live Blog feature and/or here on this post. In the comments section, please include links, news, etc, which interest you about the most bizarre election season in my lifetime.
Live Blog

John MacArthur Isn't and Is Voting for Donald Trump

I have been told The Master’s College president John MacArthur announced from the pulpit this morning that he will vote for Donald Trump.
In this The Master’s College video (see also a description of the entire panel discussion), MacArthur says, “I am not voting for Donald Trump, I am voting for a worldview.”
I don’t think “worldview” will be on the ballot. We don’t enhance the influence of Christianity in the culture by voting for a presidential candidate. It is deeply troubling to hear so many Christian leaders look to an election result to prop up Christianity. Watch:
Evangelicals for Trump have taken on this tortured reasoning. Eric Metaxas was among early endorsers of this approach.

But please consider this: A vote for Donald Trump is not necessarily a vote for Donald Trump himself. It is a vote for those who will be affected by the results of this election. Not to vote is to vote. God will not hold us guiltless.

The evasion of responsibility is highly disturbing. If you are going to vote for Trump, own it.
Earlier this year, John MacArthur blasted fellow evangelicals for supporting Trump. At that time, he said Trump was “a model of everything , everything that is destructive in morality in our culture.”
Let’s remember another people (from a Lutheran newspaper in the early 1930s) who voted for a worldview:
German Lutheran Nazi
The point is not that Trump is Hitler (although I think he could be the vanguard of a distinctly American fascism), it is that the reasoning for supporting the worldview is alarming. All along the way, evangelicals have had the option of getting behind a conservative independent candidate. Many of us have called for it and the times were ripe for it and yet evangelicals have gone along like sheep and justified every new scandal. This is not a movement that deserves widespread support nor has much hope of attracting the faithless. This problem is much bigger than this election.

Live Blogging Election 2016

Bookmark this page and come back for election night when we’ll be live!
Join Grove City College professors Warren Throckmorton and Michael Coulter for observations and discussion of election night 2016.
As of Monday morning (11/7/16), Nate Silver’s group has Clinton with a strong probability to win.

Donald Trump's Campaign Manager Whipping Up Hysteria Over Voting Machines (UPDATED)

This tweet from Kellyanne Conway is highly irresponsible and may serve to gum up the works at polls around the country.
Here is what she tweeted (by the way Eric Metaxas retweeted this – see below).

Trump partisans on social media are going absolutely insane over the report of one woman in TX who said her vote for the Republican ticket was changed to a vote for Clinton. With the Trump campaign fueling the fire, Trump fans are insisting on paper ballots because now they are whipping up distrust of voting machines (allegedly linked to George Soros).
According an Amarillo news report, there has been only one report of an irregularity — the woman who reported it on Facebook. Election officials at the polling location in Randall County — most of whom are Republican — report that the machine test out fine and votes aren’t being changed.

Concerns first appear to have come to light from a Randall County woman who posted on Facebook, “I voted a straight Republican ticket and as I scrolled to submit my ballot I noticed that the Republican Straight ticket was highlighted, however, the clinton/kaine box was also highlighted! I tried to go back and change and could not get it to work. I asked for help from one of the workers and she couldn’t get it to go back either. It took a second election person to get the machine to where I could correct the vote to a straight ticket. Be careful and double-check your selections before you cast your vote! Don’t hesitate to ask for help. I had to have help to get mine changed.”
Randall County Elections Administrator Shannon Lackey said what likely happened was that the machines allow for crossover votes, where a voter can select a straight-ticket ballot, but are still permitted to change their vote in individual elections for candidates of other parties.
Lackey went on to say that this is the sixth election that the machines have been used in Randall County.
“All of our machines are state- and federal-
certified,” Lackey said. “Other states use them, and they are used in many other counties in Texas. We can prove it (a machine) hasn’t been tampered with. We do extensive testing; the machine can’t change votes. It wasn’t anything on purpose from either side, but we are glad to clear the air on the issue.”
Huntley confirmed Tuesday there no issues with equipment on the first day of early voting.

I can imagine now that worried Trump voters will demand paper ballots or take longer to vote, thus lengthening wait times at the polls. At the least, now the more conspiracy minded of the Trump clan will have yet another campaign-endorsed reason to question a Trump defeat.
Calling the election results into question without evidence is staggeringly irresponsible and I call on Trump supporters among my evangelical tribe to stop it. Please check things out before you pass along misinformation.
Metaxas retweet voting booth
Fox News is linking the interest in this story to machines allegedly owned by a George Soros owned company.

According to this Business Insider report, the voting machine maker isn’t owned by Soros and they won’t be used in this year’s election (check out Smartmatic’s website on these topics).
Actor James Woods is spreading the insanity: