Latest Update on Warren

As posted from a family update:

On Sunday Warren had a heart attack. Mild as it was, it led to tests which led to a heart cath which led us to a triple by pass surgery on Tuesday. He came through surgery wonderfully, had a great morning today. He walked some and ate some and then got very tired and then the pain from the chest tubes started. He really is doing great and can’t wait to get those tubes out! We ask for your prayers during this time of recovery and learning! Warren is very determined to follow orders so he can get back to all the things he loves doing! Thanks so much for all the prayers and those to come. We have an awesome God and we are so thankful for his love for us!

Are All Psychotherapies Equal?

Scientific American yesterday posted a nice summary of the research on effectiveness of psychotherapy.

From the article by Hal Arkowitz and Scott Lilienfeld:

In light of such findings, a search for a therapist should at least sometimes involve a consideration of the type of treatment he or she practices. It is true that ingredients, such as empathy, that cut across effective therapies are potent and that various established techniques are roughly equivalent for a broad range of difficulties. Yet under certain circumstances, the therapeutic method can matter. For example, if a clinician espouses an approach outside the scientific mainstream—one that does not fall under the broad categories we have listed here—you should not assume that this treatment will be as helpful as others.

One of the big puzzles of psychological treatment is why obviously unhelpful methods can lead clients to feel better. As noted in this article, some components of success cut across methods. A reparative therapist, for example, might explain a false set of facts to a client in an empathetic manner which might then provide a false sense of reassurance. Even though the therapy only minimally provides any effect on sexuality, the client may still feel better due to the working of the common factors.

Michael Coulter and I will be on a Blaze webcast at 1pm

Here is the link: (The video is now embedded at this link.)

Michael Coulter and I will be guests with Scott Baker and Billy Hallowell on The Blaze webcast today at 1pm. The Blaze is Glenn Beck’s news website. We will be discussing our book Getting Jefferson Right and related matters.

The link to the live broadcast (saved for later viewing also) will be available on front page of The Blaze around 12:30pm. I hope you will tune in and send us some questions through the hour.

Another Evangelical Scholar Critiques David Barton’s The Jefferson Lies

Back in August, Glenn Sunshine, one of the evangelical scholars Jay Richards asked to read Getting Jefferson Right and The Jefferson Lies, provided a summary of his reactions to both books on his blog. Better late than never getting it on the blog here.

Prof. Sunshine cannot be accused of being a leftist (check out his blog) and has used Wallbuilders’ materials in the past.